Responsible Leadership National Taiwan University
Course Overview
This course is an intensive course on leadership that seeks to address some of the challenges of leadership in a changing world. Through four topical blocs (what is leadership?, managing our hungers, authentic leadership, and sustainable leadership), students are invited to reflect more deeply on what constitutes responsible leadership today, by making sense of tensions at the micro, meso and macro levels as well as opportunities to take the lead in a triply constructive (i.e. social, environmental and economic) sense. The sessions are distributed across four weekends, each involving highly interactive sessions through a combination of discussions and other in-class activities. Students are expected to actively participate in all elements of the course, and have prepared readings beforehand.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
This course follows the MBA format, hence the following classroom policy and etiquette apply: 1. Without special dispensation from the instructor, the use of any sort of personal computer during class is prohibited. 2. Meals and snacks are reserved for break time; please do not bring food to the classroom to consume during the session. 3. Latecomers are expected to enter the classroom discreetly taking care not to disturb the ongoing session. 4. Active participation in class discussion is required. Students are expected to arrive prepared, having read the session materials beforehand. 5. In the event a student is absent from a session, a make-up assignment shall be completed for that particular session. However, more than two absences will affect the grade.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Miriam Garvi
Other information
(College of Management Global Mba
*Registration eligibility: juniors and above of College of Management.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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