Restoration Culture Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Requirement for 2.5 credit points: passing the weekly online quizzes. Requirement for 3 CP: passing the weekly online quizzes plus one written contribution on Moodle.
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Anette Pankratz
Other information
Programme: B.A./M.A./M.Ed. The times between the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660 and the death of the last Stuart ruler in 1714 saw many profound changes. Power gradually shifted from the monarch to parliament; science and empiricism nudged God from the centre of things; money and wealth challenged heredity. The development towards what we nowadays would consider a ‘modern’ state did not go smoothly, though. There are a great many tensions between old and new. Hence, the Restoration period is full of crises, conflicts and paradoxes. Sometimes the people seem like our near contemporaries and sometimes like quaint bewigged figures from a very distant time.The lecture course aims at having a critical look at the familiar and to make the quaint more accessible. By dealing with political and religious developments, literature, music and fashion it intends to provide a multifaceted survey of Restoration culture.This will be an asynchronous online course, credited on a pass/fail basis. The units will contain pre-recorded Power Point Presentations and quizzes that will be released weekly. There will be bi-weekly non-obligatory Zoom meetings for questions, clarifications and discussions.Assessment/requirements: 2,5 CP: passing the weekly online quizzes; 3 CP: passing the weekly online quizzes plus one written contribution on Moodle.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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Link to the syllabus provided by the university