Riemannian Geometry University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
Riemannian Geometry is a basic course for any graduate student in Mathematics who wants to study Geometry, Topology or Dynamic Systems, and is also a relevant course for students of Analysis and Applied Mathematics.
Learning Achievement
Provide to the student the basic tools and some fundamental results of Riemannian Geometry.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Two written tests.
Course schedule
Program: Riemannian metrics; Connections; Completeness; Curvature; Isometric immersions; Variational calculus; Applications. Detailed program: (1) Riemannian metrics; Examples of Riemannian manifolds: the Euclidean space R^n, the sphere S^n, the real hyperbolic space H^n, product of Riemannian manifolds, conformal metrics, Riemannian coverings, flat tori, the Klein bottle, Riemannian submersions, the Hopf fibration and the complex projective space, quotient manifolds, Lie groups. (2) Connections; Parallel transport along a curve; Geodesics; Isometries and Killings vector fields; Induced connections. (3) Completeness; The Hopf-Rinow theorem; Cut locus, Examples. (4) The Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor; The Ricci tensor and scalar curvature; Covariant derivative of tensors; Examples. (5) Isometric immersions; The second fundamental form; The fundamental equations. (6) Variational calculus; The energy functional; Jacobi vector fields; Conjugate points; Examples. (7) Space forms; The Synge theorem; The Bonnet-Myers theorem; Nonpositively curved manifolds.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Fernando Manfio, Irene Ignazia Onnis
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://conteudo.icmc.usp.br/Portal/conteudo/1079/538/foreign-scholars