Scanning Electron Microscopy University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Observation is the first step in research, and we observe samples before most experiments. In nano-science, electron microscopy is a powerful tool, as the objects of observation are sub-micron in size and beyond the resolution limits of optical microscopy. In this course, we will study the history of scanning electron microscope (SEM), and its instrumentation and principles. The interaction between electrons and materials will be reviewed, and the generation, transport, and detection of secondary and reflected electrons will be understood. Furthermore, the information contained in SEM signals will be organized and observation methods will be studied. In the latter half of the course, not only the signal of electrons, but also compositional analysis using X-rays and functional evaluation using luminescence will be introduced, and applications to materials science and recent developments in SEM will be summarized.
Learning Achievement
Understanding the operation method of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and becoming able to set a condition of the electron microscopy. Being able to obtain the information about materials from an electron microscope image.
This class corresponds to "foster scholastic ability and high level professionals".
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Students will be evaluated based on reports after each lecture and a final report.
Course schedule
1. Introduction 2. Instrument 3. Electron beam & Material interaction 4. Application 1 : Metal, Semiconductor 5. Application 2 : Insulator, Nano-structure 6. X-ray analysis (EDX & WDX) 7. Auger Spectroscopy 8. Simulation 9. Semiconductor measurement SEM 10. EBSD, STEM導入走査電子顕微鏡装置概要電子と物質の相互作用金属と半導体への応用絶縁体とナノ構造への応用EDXとWDXAuger分光、カソードルミネセンス、EBIC電子ビーム軌道のシミュレーション半導体測長用走査電子顕微鏡EBSDとSTEMLectures will be given in face-to-face classes (Laboratory of Advanced Research B 0110).
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Sohda Yasunari,Sekiguchi Takashi
Other information
01BF260 and equivalence.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university