Science Without Borders University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The course is based on blended mobility in which a group of mixedstudents from the College of Science and Technology fromUniversity ofBordeaux (UB) and from the college of Arts and Science from Universityof Cincinnati (UC) conduct scientific literature research on a topicinvolving emerging technology and/or global issues. The joint work in carried out in the form of virtual exchange, inwhich the focus in mainly in the interaction among the participants.Thus, such cooperation is, among the literature research, on theessence of the learning process. One-week visits of each campus areplanned in order to enhance interaction.This program is designed to enable students to properly organize andcommunicate their work over distance. It also provides guidelines notonly to conduct a literature research developing critical reasoning,but also to host a workshop to a broader audience of students on thestudied topic. The main objective of the program is to promote internationalcollaboration between undergraduate students of both partneruniversities. Goals for this course include:- To capacitate participants to conduct the literature research on aninterdisciplinary topic and international context; - Use (anddiscover) tool to organize the (virtual exchange) work; - Improvepresentation (both oral and written); - Heighten sensitivity to andappreciation for intercultural dialogue; - Enhance criticalthinking ; - Forster soft skills, such as team work, leadership,autonomy and communication in international context; - Developskills in Information and Communication Technology; At the end of the program Students are expected to be able to : - Organize meetings and workplan over distance; - Document theirwork; - Establish the a state of the art based on literatureresearch for a given topic; - Organize and present scientificcontent through seminars and workshops; - Use Information andCommunication Technology (ICT) and digital media to perform tasks,solve problems, communicate, manage information, collaborate, createand share content; - Interact with people from different majors inscience and technology, examining local, global and interculturalissues; - Engage with people from other cultures in a sensitive,respectful and curious manner; - Effectively manage groupinteractions to achieve a common goal; - Enhance communicationskills in English (for non-native speakers); - Become acquainted withthe education systems of the partner university.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Level B2 in English - Access to a computer with internet for online meetings andliterature research.
Grading Philosophy
Assessment is based on the following aspects : - Improvement on written reports: quality of documentationregardingthe literature research as well as organization of the work (meetingagendas and minutes); - Quality of presentations in seminar and workshop.Continuous assessment of written documents (meeting minutes asliterature research notes : 25% of overall grade. - Oral presentation in seminar : 25% of overall grade / 15 minutespresentation for each group in February - Oral presentation in workshop : 50% of overall grade / 30 minutespresentation for each group in April In case of failure/re-sit, the assessment becomes as follows: - Oral individual presentation (30 minutes).
Course schedule
The main contents of the course correspond to: - Work organization in international context - Literature research - Communication of scientific topic to an international audience.Such contents are addressed through guidelines and feedbacksthroughout regular meetings with the program participants and tutors.
Course type
Workshops, individual research, group meetings and seminars. - 120 Self-study hours (literature research: 60 hours, work organisation : 20 hours, work documentation: 40 hours) - 120 Virtual contact (group work 120h) - 20 contact hours (2-5 tutorials, 1 seminar, 1 workshop)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Maximum number of students : Duration: Spring semesterLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching and distance-based
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: André BENINE