Scientific English University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
OBJECTIVES The goal is to improve students’ autonomy in using English for theirstudies and professional life, based on authentic Biology documents.The competences developed are document search and analysis, and oralcommunication in a Biology disciplinary setting. This teaching alsoadresses norms and conventions allowing to communicate and participateefficiently in their scientific and professional communities
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
An English instructor and a Biology instructor collaborate tointegrate the disciplinary content in English teaching; 20 hours ofteaching, including 5 hours with the Biology instruction. Theinterventions of the Biology specialist are both prepared upstream andharnessed downstream with the English instructor. In class, study ofscientific written and audio-visual documents, related to the topicbeing studied. Students work individually, two by two or in smallgroups allowing to guide students on language aspects (grammar,phonology, lexicon). Discourse genres in Biology are explored toidentify norms and conventions. Students, two by two, prepare an oralpresentation on a disciplinary theme defined by the Biologyinstructor.
Course type
- Tutorial classes - 25 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Melanie