Seminar in Biosystems Engineering and Technology University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
生物資源の利活用における技術や工学の体系すなわちBiosystems Engineeringに関する専門的かつ最新の研究や知見を,論文の概要作成やプレゼンテーションなどの演習を通じて学習する。
Learning Achievement
1. Enhance specialized and up-to-date research and knowledge on Biosystems Engineering, a system of technology and engineering in the utilization of biological resources. 2. Develop communication skills through preparation of materials, presentations, discussions, and active participation in an international environment. 3. Acquire basic skills as a researcher, engineer, educator, etc. through exercises such as research paper outline creation and presentations.
1. Professional competence 1. Systematic expertise 2. Specialized competence 3. International expertise
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Participation in discussion (20%), presentation (30%), outline preparation (30%), review paper (20%) will be evaluated.
Course schedule
Course guidance: (1) What is biosystems engineering? (2) English presentation techniquesPresentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Presentation of research papers by students (English)Techniques for writing a dissertation abstractManuscript abstract proofreadingManuscript abstract proofreadingManuscript abstract proofreadingPresentations should preferably be made in English, but high-level presentations are not required. Depending on the number of students, it may not be possible to make a presentation during joint classes.
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Kitamura Yutaka,Neves Marcos Antonio,Tofael Ahamed,Nakajima Mitsutoshi
Other information
Classes will continue during the lunch break in order to coordinate the time with other universities that will be broadcast at the same time. It is scheduled to end at 12:40.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Kitamura Yutaka,Neves Marcos
Email address:,
Link to the syllabus provided by the university