Seminar in Japanese Language II-B University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course aims to help students master the necessary public speaking skills in Japanese that are a part of university life, including oral presentations and report writing about slightly abstract issues. Students will complete project work, with a focus on discussions and presentations.
Learning Achievement
Students will be able to improve their ability of oral presentation in university seminar. Students will be able to do presentation, Q&A, and discussion about their specialized field. Students will be able to make a presentation using resume and data effectively. Students will be able to discuss and ask questions and answer smooth. Students will be able to moderate discussion and to design the direction of this discussion. Students will be able to deeply discuss about a matter. Students will e able to write report about their presentation, using suitable style.
1.Communication ability, and 4. Broad perspective and international character
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Attendance of class discussion 30%、Report 30%、Final presentation 40%
Course schedule
(1)Read Reading materials in Japanese and prepare for next class discussion. (2)Discuss about reading materials and make short presentation about it. (3)Learn how to write a paper in Japanese. (4)Make a presentation (with Q&A) in about 25 min.. *according to the size of this class, this schedule possibly changes slightly.Orientation Self introduction Reading material 1Discussion about reading material 1 The useful expressions of discussion in Japanese 1Short Presentation about former discussion Discussion about reading material 2 The useful expressions of discussion in Japanese 2Short Presentation about former discussion Discussion about reading material 3 The useful expressions of discussion in Japanese 3Short Presentation about former discussion Preparation for final presentation: Out-line and SummaryMid-term presentationDiscussion 4 Making Paper in Japanese: sentence style for writingDiscussion 5 Making paper in Japanese: QuotationDiscussion 6 Making paper in Japanese: Paragraph and other expressionsDiscussion 7 Making paper in Japanese: expressions in sentence endingMaking paper in Japanese; Tense and aspect Check the final paperMaking paper in Japanese; Question sentence Check the final paperPreparation for Final presentationFinal Presentation 1 (with Q&A)Final Presentation 2 (with Q&A), Feedback Feedback
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Hirakata Yukiko
Other information
Students are expected to collect information about global situation and their specialized field. Students are expected to actively participate in this class. Students should take both this course and Seminar in Japanese Studies I-A.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university