Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This unique course calls for a unique kind of students! Students, who want to 'make a difference in a society,' more than just to 'make money in life.' Students, who have a persisting spirit of 'an entrepreneur', a creative mind of 'an innovator' and a caring heart of 'a missionary'! This course is for you! This is a very special course about 'entrepreneurship, innovation, and social business.' We are now living in a world with huge disparity gaps in wealth (1% vs. 99%), in technology, in health, in finance, in education, and in future opportunities. Such gaps exist between countries, between societies, between people groups, between the rich and the poor, between ones that have and the ones that have not. The questions go beyond just fair resource distribution, rather the accessibility to these resources for all people. In recent years, social entrepreneurs get recognized in the business world. Leveraging personal professional skills and business management experience, they create businesses with a mission to mitigate such disparities, to meet social needs, to make a change and impact in the world. Social entrepreneurs focus on social returns together with business profits for sustainability. As a result, a new form of business has emerged, 'Social Business,' which has a clearly stated social mission for its organizational purpose beyond profit seeking. Some of these social businesses even got successfully listed in major stock exchanges and at the same time they have fulfilled their social missions. Students who aspire to learn this exciting new business field will learn various business models related with social business, and entrepreneurship skills. Students may not all become social entrepreneurs some day, or engage in social business in future career, but we all definitely could be change makers in global societies. **Even this course is organized as a course in the Global MBA program, 'all students' are welcome, including international exchange students. If you could not register online, don't give up! Please come to the first class to get approval and authorization code from Dr. Hsieh or you could correspond with him by email:
Learning Achievement
This course will introduce the concept of social entrepreneurship and the toolkit for successful social entrepreneurs and the methodology to establish successful business model for social business. Students will learn how to work as teams and how to make contributions to team performance. Beyond classroom instruction, students will do case studies, will visit related organizations in Taipei, will create social business plans, and will put learning into practice, and make business plans work!
Course prerequisites
Students from all background are welcome to join this course, but must make a commitment to put efforts and focus in this course and most importantly must have a passion for the subject.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
(College of Management Global Mba
*Registration eligibility: juniors and above of College of Management.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: