Soil and Water Environmental Colloid Science University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Introductory and fundamental lecture of colloid and interface science is given placing an emphasis on the application to soil and water, and bio and environmental engineering.
Learning Achievement
To understand the introductory contents of soil, water, and bio-colloid
Course prerequisites
The class will be held at seinou B201, presentation on the studied topic will be assigned.
Grading Philosophy
Assignment and Presentation
Course schedule
Environmental aspects of Colloid and Interface Science will be lectured intensively. Contents will cover; 1.Role of colloid and interface in soil and water environment. 2.Fundamental aspects of colloid and interface science. Browninan motion, diffusion, Boltzmann distribution, electric double layer, stability of colloid, introduction to thermodynamics, Gibbs's free energy, chemical potential, rate theory of coagulation. Rate theory of coagulation, electrical double layer. 3.Application in engineering and bio-resources science. Mathematical tool of transport phenomena and thermodynamics will be lectured.1st week: Introduction 2nd week: Kinetics of Floccuation (population Eq.) 3rd week: Kinetics of Floccutlation (Brownian Coagualtion) 4th week: (Shear Coagulation) 5th week: (Turbulent coagualtion) 6th week: (electrokinetics I) 7th week: (electrokinetics II) 8th week: (Sedimentation of Floc) 9th week: (Rheology of Flocculated Suspension) 10th week: Exam
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Adachi Yasuhisa,Ogawa Kazuyoshi
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university