Solid State Physics II University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
We learn fundamental knowledge of solid state physics, i.e. crystal structure, wave diffraction and reciprocal lattice, thermal motion of atoms in crystal, electronic states in crystal. The thermal properties, transport phenomena, phase transitions and so on, in solids, will be discussed for understanding of advanced contents of materials science.
Learning Achievement
Acquire knowledge of phonons, crystal vibrations, thermal properties, and free energy Fermi gas.
Related to 2. Understanding ability of physical phenomena, and 4. Skills in the field of Micro Engineering and Nanoscience.
Course prerequisites
Students who have gained credits for Solid State Physics I
Grading Philosophy
The grade will be based on the quality of reports.
Course schedule
We learn fundamental knowledge of phonons, crystal vibrations, thermal properties, and free energy Fermi gas.Vibrations of crystalsTwo atoms per primitive basisQuantization of elastic wavesInelastic scattering by phononsPhonon heat capacityAnharmonic crystal interactionsThermal conductivityFermi-Dirac distributionHeat capacity of the electron gasThermal conductivity of metals
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kojima Seiji
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university