Solid State Physics University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The objective of this course is to provide the students with thebasics of solid-state physics. Prerequisites of statistical physicsand quantum theory are required as well as basic concepts in optics.Fundamental concepts will be illustrated all along the lectures bymeans of practical examples.A first part of the course is devoted to the main models of electronicstructure in periodic systems are exposed (Fermi free electrongas,nearly free electrons in a perturbation theory) and illustrated bysimple benchmark examples. In a second part, the optical properties of the solid state arepresented.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
PREREQUISITES: - Basics in “Quantum mechanics” - “Statistical Physics” -notions of geometrical optics (Undergraduatelevel)
Grading Philosophy
Type of assessment / first session: written exam (60% weight ofoverallmark) at the end of the semester, project evaluation (40%weight of overall mark).In case of failures/second session: written exam (60% weight ofoverallmark) at the end of the semester, project evaluation (recall ofthe first session mark).
Course schedule
> LECTURES - Elementary classical and quantum aspects of the free electrontheory of metals. - Electrons in a weak periodic potential: Bloch’s Theorem,perturbation theory applied to periodic potentials, band structure,Fermi surfaces and Brillouin zones, nearly free electrons model. - General properties of semiconductors. - The Tight-Binding model, a chemist’s view of bonding in solids. - Electromagnetismin matter: Maxwell’s equations, polarization,dielectric constant,the propagation equation, reflectance,transmittance and absorption,dielectric, metals and semiconductors,blackbody radiation - Opticalproperties of metals - Opticalproperties of nanoparticles - Photonicapplications: sensors, LED’s, quantum dots, solid statelasers,spectroscopy, photonic crystals > PRACTICALS -Computational procedure for the study of periodic systems. -Energy minimization and ground-state properties calculations. -Structural optimization, Lattice relaxation. -Calculation of density of states and bands diagrams.
Course type
Lectures, practicals on computers, project.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 11 weeks (Spring Semester)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Learning mode = in-class 35 contact hours - Assessment procedure = final exam + project evaluation
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Cedric Crespos Alexandre Baronalexandre.baron@u-bordeaux.frCorinne