South American Plate Geophysics University of Sao Paulo
Course Overview
This course deals with formation models for the main geotectonic provinces, how they are set in the past and in the present; the main characteristics of the continental and oceanic lithosphere using geophysical data and how to integrate this data to the tectonic knowledge of South American plate.
Learning Achievement
This course aims to provide information on the main geotectonic provinces of South America and about the geophysical surveys in great scale. It is expected that the students can use all the information to infer relations among geology and geophysics.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Tests and seminars.
Course schedule
1. South American plate contextualization. 2. Continental and oceanic lithosphere. 3. Craton: concept and examples, South American Cratons. 4. Orogens: concept and examples; mobile belts: BSB, Paraguay-Araguaia, Mantiqueira, Borborema. 5. Patagonia. 6. Andes. 7. Basin: formation basic concepts; South American basins: Paran_, Chaco, Potiguar, Santos, Rec_ncavo- Tucano, Magalh_es. 8. Oceanic lithosphere. 9. Paleomagnetism. 10. Heat flow. 11. Crust and lithosphere thickness. 12. Effective lithosphere thickness. 13. Geoid. 14. Gravity. 15. Magnetic field. 16. Stress. 17. Seismicity at the South American and Nazca plates.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Marta Silvia Maria Mantovani, Yara Regina Marangoni, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da Trindade
Other information
Site for Inquiry
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