Spatial Econometrics University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course provides students with the theoretical basics of SpatialEconometrics enabling them to apply such theory empirically.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Previous studies (Bachelor level) within the domain of economics. - Knowledge of econometrics (STATA) is an advantage.
Grading Philosophy
- Continuous assessment: regular homework and/or presentations inclass. - A final essay is also required.
Course schedule
- Firstly, the main problems encountered when working withgeo-referenced data are reviewed and the need to apply spatialeconometrics is underlined. - Secondly, the tools provided by the exploratory data analysis(ESDA) are studied in order to detect the presence of spatialautocorrelation in a given dataset and the concept of spatial weightsmatrix is introduced (this part includes plotting variables in a map,as well as statistical tests of global and local spatialautocorrelation). - Thirdly, an introduction is made to confirmatory spatialeconometrics with the regression of spatial models, including thespatial lag model, the spatial error model, and the spatial Durbinmodel. - Fourthly, the consequences of ignoring spatial autocorrelation forthe estimation of regression models are addressed. - Fifthly, the concept of direct and indirect effect recentlyintroduced by LeSage and Pace (2009) are presented. - Finally, the most recent advances in Spatial Econometrics(e.g.,spatial panel models) are covered.
Course type
Lectures and exercises in the computer lab.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: One semesterLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching; Practical exercises with dedicated software
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Frederic Gaschetfrederic.gaschet@u-bordeaux.frStéphanie