Special Seminar on Policy Analysis and Programme Evaluation IIB University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
In this class, we will spend half our time to reading papers from top-ranked academic journals and devote the rest to the presentation and discussion of the participants’ own research papers relating to policy and programme evaluations. Hence, students are required to complete a research paper during the term of this class. When conducting their own research, students are allowed to use either primary or secondary data, and they are free to choose topics based on their own interests.
Learning Achievement
By the end of this class, students will be able to apply their knowledge of impact evaluation to write a good standard of an analytical paper.
1. General-propose competence: communicative ability, leadership, internationalism.2. Degree program competence: research capability, professional knowledge.
Course prerequisites
Students are expected to have knowledge and skills of basic impact evaluation.
Grading Philosophy
Assignment (100%)
Course schedule
1. Review of policy evaluation ? various methods and combining these methods2.~9. Application to practice - writing analytical papers10. Presenting own analytical paper.
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Students are recommended to read wide variety of academic journal papers.Class will be conducted face-to-face
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university