Special Topics in Environment Microbial Engineering National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Microbial populations are a key component of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and are responsible for mediating a number of important functions, including nutrient cycling and biogeochemical transformations. Molecular biology tools now allow us to describe the diversity and structure of microbial communities in natural systems, and relate these to environmental drivers and ecosystem function. Course Outline 1.Nucleic acid recovery from environmental samples 2.Prokaryotic systematics: 3.DNA fingerprinting of microbial communities 4.Molecular typing of environmental isolates 5.Expression analysis of functional genes 6.Quantification of environmental microbes 7.Microbial ecology and genomics 8.Molecular detection of uncultured microorganisms 9.Bioremediation 10.Bioinformatics and web resources for phylogenetic analyses
Learning Achievement
The goal of this course is to let students acquire knowledge of the diverse roles that microorganisms play in biological transformations in our environment.
Course prerequisites
*Restrict to graduate students.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Chi-Te Liu
Other information
Institute of Biotechnology
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://www.iob.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?lang=en&Trad2Simp=n