Spectroscopy University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- Understanding the fundamentals of light-matter interaction,molecular optical spectroscopy (electronic transitions and molecularvibrations). - Analysis and interpretation of the spectra in the infrared andnear-infrared. - Analysis and interpretation of the Vibrational Spectra in Ramanscattering. - Analysis techniques of IR specular reflection (internal andexternal) and diffuse reflection. - Acquire knowledge and master common vibrational techniques foranalyzing mass materials, thin films, interfaces, etc. - Optical constants in materials. - Acquired skills: mastering the techniques of IR spectroscopy andscattering Raman and understanding the spectra obtained.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Students must have basic knowledge of “Spectroscopy”(undergraduate level).
Grading Philosophy
> First Session: - Final written exam (60% weight of overall mark). - Project (40% weight of overall mark).> Second Session (in case of failure): - Written exam (60% weight of overall mark). - Recall of the first session project mark (40% weight of overallmark)..
Course schedule
1-BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPIES1.1-Fundamental aspects of Light/Matter Interaction1.2-Optical Spectroscopies1.3-Diatomic molecules: vibration and rotation2-MOLECULAR SYMMETRY2.1-Molecular symmetry and point groups2.2-Using symmetry to predict vibrational activity3-SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF VIBRATIONAL SPECTRA3.1-General principles4.1-Examples4-RAMAN SCATTERING4.1-Spontaneous Raman scattering4.2-Polarized Raman spectroscopy4.3-Micro-Raman and Imaging5-FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED (FTIR) ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY3.1-FTIR spectroscopy3.2-Transmission and reflection techniques3.3-IR microscopy and imaging
Course type
> 138 hours of lectures, tutorials and practicals: - 45 contact hours (20 hours lectures, 16 hours tutorials, 9 hours practicals). - 90 hours self-study. - 3 hours written assessment exam.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 12 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: lectures, tutorials, practicals
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Vincent Rodriguez vincent.rodriguez@u-bordeaux.fr Corinne Jalibertcorinne.jalibert@u-bordeaux.fr