Sport Medicine University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course introduces sports medicine in Japan and the world, medical issue in event management. Lectures such as sports injury and trauma updates, sudden death and medical screening by aging, basis for athletic prevention and rehabilitation including oriental medicine, conditioning and gender issue will be discussed. Also, it includes practices of CPR, experience of surgery in an operating room, massage, taping, and another intervention.
Learning Achievement
Students will be engaged in achieving sports medicine knowledge by learning basic topics of the function and disease related with sports or exercise.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Submission of the short reports at attendance: 100%
Course schedule
Week 1: Sports Medicine in Japan and the World, Medical Issue in Event Management Week 2: Sports related Sudden Death, Medical Screening by Aging Week 3: Illness Prevention & Conditioning Gender issue Week 4: Practice of internal sports medicine Week 5: First Aid & Following Care for Sports Injury: Team/Individual Traveling・Sports Concussion Week 6: Orthopedics Surgical Treatment Week 7: Orthopedics Sports Injury & Sports Medicine Team in the World Week 8:Orthopedics Non-Surgical Treatment Sports Injury Preventio Week 9: Orthopedics Medical Check / Medical Screening for Athletes Daily Conditioning for Athletes Week10: Current Trend of Sports Training & Medical Treatment
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Watanabe Koichi
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university