Statistical Basis for Research University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
Considering that graduate courses aim to develop qualified faculty and researchers, able to conduct research protocols independently, it is necessary to offer disciplines which prepare students with adequate statistical tools for the analysis of collected data from health research protocols.
Learning Achievement
At the end of this discipline students should be able to: 1. Recognize and classify research variables as well as understand the consequences of this classification on statistical analysis; 2. Present collected data in a reduced form applying tables and graphics; 3. Distinghish the most used probability distributions and relate them to their respective statistical tests; 4. Define Type I and Type II errors, and how they are related to the sample size; 5. Indicate apropriate statistical tests to run univariate and bivariate hypothesis tests; 6. Interpret results of univariate and bivariate statistical analysis.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
A final exam, with multiple choice questions, will be carry out at the end of the discipline, being necessary a score higher than 50 of 100 points for the student to get approved.
Course schedule
1. Descriptive Statistics: variables; reducing and presenting data (graphs and tables); frequencies; central tendency measures and dispersion. 2. Introduction to Probability: axioms; dependent e independente events; conditional probability; Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson, Normal, F, t e _2; 3. Inferential statistics: hypothesis testing; type I and type II errors. Confidence interval; z test. Sample size calculation and study power. 4. Tests for quantitative variables: t test; paired t teste; F test; ANOVA, Pearson correlation. 5. Tests for ordinal variables: Mann-Whitney test; Wilcoxon test; Kruskal-Wallis test; Spearman correlation. 6. Tests for categorical variables: _2 test; Exact Fisher test; Relative Risk; Odds Ratio; Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel method.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Luiz Felipe Pinho Moreira, Raymundo Soares de Azevedo Neto
Other information
This discipline is offered at the School of Medicine main building as well as in a distance learning format. In the distance learning format, students will watch classes and discuss the topics through MOODLE platform (Stoa _ ). Final exam is performed at the School of Medicine.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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