Statistical Mechanics II University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Building on the foundation given in Statistical Mechanics I, this lecture introduces the path-integral formulation of the density matrix and discusses its applications to interacting many-body systems. The subjects include cluster expansion of gases and order-disorder phase transitions.
Learning Achievement
understand Feynman's path integral method and know how to apply it to specific statistical mechanics problems.
1. Basic engineering skills, 2, basic academic skills, 3. specialized knowledge, 4. practical insight and problem-solving skills.
Course prerequisites
Students should take Statistical Mechanics I , II, and III in order.
Grading Philosophy
Grading will be based on the final report (answers to questions).
Course schedule
Based on the content of Statistical Mechanics I, a path integral formulation of the density matrix is introduced and applied to interacting many-particle systems, with applications to cluster expansion of gas particles and order-disorder transitions.Formulation and calculation with path integrals and density matricesPath integrals and its application (free particles, harmonic oscillators)Path integrals: perturbative expansions, variational principleApplications of variational principleMany-body system: Classical N-particle systemsEquation of State: The Second Virial coefficientOne-dimension gas: Born-Green equationOrder-disorder transition: 2-D lattices2-dimension problem: Approximate solutionOnsager Problem: 2-D lattices
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Tong Xiao-Min,Hino Ken-ichi
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university