Statistical Mechanics III University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Building on the ideas discussed in Statistical Mechanics II, this lecture further develops methods used for dealing with quantum-mechanical many-body systems at finite temperatures (i.e. second quantization, finite temperature Green's functions, Wick’s theorem, and Feynman diagrams). We shall discuss applications to mean field theories, the linear response theory, and the theory of phase transitions.
Learning Achievement
Mastering the field theory for physical systems at finite-temperature and various types of Green’s functions, and understanding how to apply this theory for specific heat of an interacting Fermi gas, linear responses, and so on.
“Creation of Knowledge”, “Fundamental of Engineering Skill”, “Basic Academic Knowledge of Subjects”, “Expertise”, “Sense of Morals”, “Practical Judgement and Problem-Solving Ability”
Course prerequisites
Completing the courses of Statistical Mechanics I and Statistical Mechanics II.
Grading Philosophy
1. Grading Methodology: Regarding the items cited in relation to course objectives, report problems will be assigned at the time of the last lecture. Submit the above by the end of the next week. 2. Grading Percentage: Reports 100% 3. Grading Criteria: The credit for this course is given to students who achieve not less than 60% marks (out of 100%) obtained by evaluating the submitted reports. Following these scores, grades are determined from A+ to C, and D.
Course schedule
Outlining the basic framework of quantum statistical mechanics based on the field theory, and introducing some applications to the Hartree-Fock theory and the linear response theory.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hino Ken-ichi
Other information
Baer in mind that reviewing each lecture is important to understand the following lectures.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university