Statistical Physics I University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Statistical Physics as well as Quantum Mechanics provides the most important backbone of modern physics. In the present course, the basic principles of statistical mechanics are explained. After reviewing the basics of probability theory, the fundamental assumption of Statistical Mechanics, "principle of equal a priori probabilities," is introduced to construct statistical ensembles. The microscopic interpretation of entropy is explained so that the connection to thermodynamics becomes constructed.
Learning Achievement
1. The students are able to calculate probabilities with the binomial, normal, and Poisson distributions. 2. The students are able to explain the difference of the mechanical energy and thermal energy. 3. The students are able to explain the microscopic and macroscopic parameters, reversibility and irreversibility of statistical systems.
Related to 2. Understanding ability of physical phenomena.
Course prerequisites
Intro. to Single-Variable Calculus I & II, Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra I & II, Probability and Statistics, Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Modern Physics
Grading Philosophy
Homework & Class performance 30 % Final 70%
Course schedule
Random walk and statistical MmethodsProbability distributionsChange of random variables 1Change of random variables 2Microscopic States versus Macroscopic statesThe fundamental postulate: statistical (micro-canonical) ensemble:Classical interpretation of microscopic statesExact and inexact differentialsFirst law of thermodynamicsFundamental equations and equations of states
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Sano Nobuyuki
Other information
* You may discuss with other students for preparing the written homework. Yet, just “a copy-and-paste” will not be accepted. No late homework will be accepted. * All exams are closed book for in-class lecture. In the case of hybrid lecture, all exams are open book.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university