Statistics and Econometrics with Recitation(1) National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Statistics and Econometrics I and II are designed for Econ major students to fulfill the departmental quantitative analysis requirements, and ECON 2014 Statistics and Econometrics I is the first half of this sequence.
Learning Achievement
In Statistics and Econometrics I, we will focus on basic probability theory and fundamentals of mathematical statistics, since probability and statistics are important tools to predict economic outcomes under uncertain environments. Some important topics covered in Statistics and Econometrics I are conditional probability, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and introduction of linear regression. Its objective is to provide students with basic statistical tools and concepts that will help them estimate economic models and do subsequent inferences.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Sheng-Kai Chang
Other information
Department of Economics
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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