Stochastic simulation and bayesian methods for signal processing University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course completes the basis of computer programming applied to thesimulation of stochastic processes.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
> Intermediate assessment (mark I out of 20, duration 1h30 to 2h40during the semester) and final exam (mark E out of 20, duration 3h inDecember)- final mark I/3+2E/3> Rules and protocol for failures/re-sits is clearly described: incase of failure, student have access to a second exam(mark S)- the final mark is then max(I/3+2S/3,S)
Course schedule
Course content includes: - Monte Carlo methods and stochastic optimization algorithms -bayesian statisticsThe course will apply problems in data analysis and signal and imageprocessing (denoising, deconvolution, classification, segmentation,clustering).
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Mode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Philippe JamingPhilippe.jaming@math.u-bordeaux.frNicole