Structured Data University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course covers the processing methods for structured data. We provide the following two topics. The first topic includes the basic concepts of regular expression and automaton that are required for processing structured data, and the methods for syntactic analysis of structured data. The second topic includes query languages for XML, such as XPath and XQuery, the methods for managing data written in markup languages, e.g., semistructured database, and the basic notion of graph data search and graph schema.
Learning Achievement
The goals of this course are to - understand the principle of regular expression and the methods for syntactic analysis of XML, - be able to process structured data by using programming languages, - understand query languages for structured data and the methods for managing structured data, - understand the basic notion of graph data search.
Quantitative research ability, System expertise, Resource expertise
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Two report assignments will be given based on course objectives and graded by the following policy. Each assignment is worth 100 points. To pass, students must earn at least 120 points out of 200. - the level of understanding of syntax analysis methods for structured data and completeness of program implementing them - the level of understanding of query languages and managing method for structured data and graph data search
Course schedule
(1)Overview of Structured Data Processing (Nakai) (2)Regular Expression and Lexical Analysis (Nakai) (3)Context Free Grammar and Overview of Parsing (Nakai) (4)Recursive Descent Parsing (Nakai) (5)Semantic Analysis (Nakai) (6)XML Data Structure and Schema Languages (Suzuki) (7)Query Languages for XML (Suzuki) (8)Structured Data and Database (Suzuki) (9)Graph Data Search (Suzuki) (10)Schema of Graph Data (Suzuki)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Suzuki Nobutaka,Nakai Hisashi
Other information
Online Asynchronous. Tasks for confirming attendance may be imposed. Curse materials, attendance confirmation assignments, and other necessary information will be posted on manaba.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Nakai Hisashi
Email address:
Link to the syllabus provided by the university