Sub Micrometre and Nanometre Technology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
This course surveys techniquesto fabricate and analyse submicron and nanometre structures, with applications. Optical and electron microscopy is rel'iewed. Additional topics that are covered include: surface characterization,'ireparation, and measurement techniques, resist technology, optical projection, interferometric, X-ray, ion, and electron lithography; Aqueous, ion, and plasma etching techniques; lift-off and electroplating; and ion implantation. Applications in microelectrinics,-microphotonics, information storage, and nanotechnology will also be explored.
Learning Achievement
1. Point out resolution limits for lithographic and imaging/inspection tools. 2. Organize nanometre and micro meter role in both microscopy, lithography and the impact factors tbr microscopy. 3. Explain articles on nanolithography and microscopy from the recent Iiterature. 4. Prepare the report based on case study of current issue in nanometre and micrometre technology.
Course prerequisites
Lecture and Discussion, Co-operative and Collaborative Method, Problem Based Method.
Grading Philosophy
Assignment, Test, Presentation.
Course schedule
week 1, week 2, etc.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Dr. Hafizal Yahaya
Other information
1. Heinrich, A. J., C. P. Lutz, J. A. Gupt4 and D. M. Eigler. "Molecule Cascades." Science 298 (2002):1381-7. 2. Goodberlet, James G. "Patterning Sub-50 nm Features with Near-field Embedded-amplitude Masks." Applied Physics Letters 81, no. 7 (August 2002). 3. Buck, D. A., and K. R. Shoulders. "An Approach to Microminiature Printed Systems." Eastern Joint Computer Conference (July 1959): 55-59.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dr. Hafizal Yahaya
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