Substantiation and Quantification of Risks University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> The aim of this course is to: - Understand how data on adverse drug events derived from analysisof individual patients can lead to inferences regarding populations -Know the various study designs in pharmacoepidemiology and todetermine which study design is appropriate to address specific safetyissues - Be familiar with basic statistical concepts and techniquesas applied to pharmacoepidemiology - Understand and assist inpharmacoepidemiological studies using large healthcare databases -Understand the process of risk communication from the point of view ofdifferent stakeholders
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Post-graduated leve in Health or Life Sciences. - Language prerequisites: Non-native English speakers must provide acertificate proving a minimum of English B2 level (cf. Europass[]). - Computer and internet requirement.
Grading Philosophy
- Assessment is a mix of continuous assessment. - Final assessment takes place by videoconference.
Course schedule
1) Introduction: from case based reasoning to population basedreasoning 2) Designing a study: study designs, basic epidemiological measures,data sources, workflow to quantify risks, case and exposureidentification, codes of conduct, writing a protocol3) Designing a study II: Causality from different perspectives, Causaldiagrams, and Building a Statistical Analysis Plan4) Raw Data to Metrics: Elementary and advanced analysis methods withan introduction to data analysis in R5) Communication of results: communication with academia, regulators,pharmaceutical industry, writing a pharmacoepidemiological paper
Course type
Recorded and live lectures, readings, home assignments, on-line quizzes, forums, wikis, live seminars.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Professionals: 5,000€/year. - Students: 2,500€/year.Duration: 24 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: E-learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Karine