Course Jukebox

Course Jukebox

Course Detail

Standard Academic Year
Course delivery methods
Agriculture & related subjects
Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ)
Piracicaba campus
Course Offering Year
Course Offering Month
January - January
Weekday and Period
Course Number

Systems Approaches for Plant Health University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview

Systems analysis is a powerful way to explore and analyse the dynamics of interacting entities. In the case of crop health, systems approaches enable understanding the interaction between pests (plant pathogens and pests) and crops. Systems approaches also allow addressing the impact of the environment (e.g., physical: weather, social: human actions, economic, etc.) on these interactions. A broad context for plant health and its management can therefore be envisioned, including for example socio-economic context of production, trade, and policies.

Learning Achievement

To introduce concepts and methods of systems analysis, and their application to the study, analysis, and management of crop health. Students will acquire a broadened understanding of the dynamics and the impact of plant diseases and pests on crop (agricultural) production, as well as on the environment, and on society and the economy. This will be achieved through systems approach techniques, including but not limited to, simulation modelling.


Course prerequisites

Grading Philosophy

Presentation of a case study

Course schedule

This course considers crop health  the collective dynamics of diseases and pests as a whole in a crop. Crop health depends on production situations, that is to say, the set of inter-linked environmental, technical, social, and economical factors that determine the context where agricultural production takes place. Understanding the joint evolution of crop health and production situations is important for future plant health professionals. Brazil occupies a very important position in global agricultural and food trade. The course will introduce issues pertaining to global food and agricultural security, and to globalization, because of their implications for crop health. Systems analysis covers a range of techniques that enable exploring and understanding large and complex questions. One of the approaches of systems analysis, mechanistic simulation modelling, will in particular be used as a methodological backbone for the course. Simulation modelling will be introduced and explained in the course. 1  Context of agricultural production and crop health - Introduction to systems analysis and simulation - Examples of production situations and associated crop health syndromes - Illustration of shifts in production situations leading to crop health changes - Introduction to global agriculture, global crop health problems - Introduction to the effects of global changes on agriculture, crop health - Crop health and global food security - General strategies to manage crop health 2 _Systems analysis: introduction and application to crop health - Systems analysis: concepts and methods - Production levels, crop losses - Damage mechanisms caused by pests - Simulation modelling - Management of natural resources - Negative impacts of agriculture - Long-term disease and pest management

Course type

Online Course Requirement


Armando Bergamin Filho, Laetitia Willocquet, Serge Savary

Other information

The course will be held during 2 weeks in February: first week for classes and second week for practical activities.

Site for Inquiry

Please inquire about the courses at the address below.

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