TED MED: Scientific English University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
The ability to communicate clearly about your research to a global audience is a vital skill for the modern scientist. In this course, students will study scientific English through the medium of TED talks on medical-related topics. This online, on-demand course will provide students with materials to improve their scientific English understanding, scientific presentation and communication skills, and creative thinking, while learning about exciting topics in science and medicine.
Learning Achievement
The ability to communicate clearly about your research to a global audience is a vital skill for the modern scientist. In this course, students will study scientific English through the medium of TED talks on medical-related topics. This online, on-demand course will provide students with materials to improve their scientific English understanding, scientific presentation and communication skills, and creative thinking, while learning about exciting topics in science and medicine.
【Generic Competence】Communication skills, International and global views 【Specific Competence】Cutting-edge research execution skills, Information and communication technology skills
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Students are evaluated on 1) Completion of online materials (80%); and 2) final report (20%)
Course schedule
Introduction to the courseUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Final Report
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Mayers Thomas David
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university