The IB Middle Years Programme University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course is designed for students to understand the entire International Baccalaureate (IB) and the educational theory, curriculum framework and pedagogy of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). We will also consider the implementation and practice of IB education in various situations and contexts. Using IB education as an example, collaborative activities and presentations will be conducted through experiential learning. In class, we will focus on MYP and deepen understanding of approaches to learning and teaching, curriculum development, inquiry-based learning, and assessment. In the second half, we will work on the personal project, which is the final assessment task of MYP, and present the results.
Learning Achievement
To understand new theories and practices in international education in the 21st century centered on the IB through experiential learning. To develop inquirers with an international perspective by acquiring the ability to research various issues related to international education. To meet the requirements for obtaining the IB educator certificate.
Generic Competence: International character Specific competence: Ability to discover educational issues
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Report70%, Presentation30%
Course schedule
IB education philosophy: OverviewIB education philosophy: Discussion and activityApproaches to learning and teaching for IB education: OverviewApproaches to learning and teaching for IB education: Discussion and activityKey elements of IB education: OverviewKey elements of IB education: Discussion and activityCurriculum development for IB education: OverviewCurriculum development for IB education: Discussion and activityInquiry-based learning in IB education: OverviewInquiry-based learning in IB education: Discussion and activityAssessment in IB education: OverviewAssessment in IB education: Discussion and activityExhibition, personal project, extended essay: OverviewExhibition, personal project, extended essay: Discussion and activityFinal task: IntroductionFinal task: PreparationFinal task presentation: First halfFinal task presentation: Second halfSummary and reviewReflection (Review)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
菊地 かおり,Umetsu Shizuko
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university