Theoretical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Mathematical & Physical Tools University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The course is divided into three classes CT3 (Theoretical Chemistry3), CA (Analytical Chemistry) and CSC3 (Mathematical &PhysicalTools). CT3 allows for the in-depth study of the molecular orbital model, withdifferent approximation levels, for polyatomic systems (Hückel theoryand application to p-conjugated systems, spectroscopy and reactivity).Applications to the determination of molecular structures and reactionpathways are also proposed.CA focuses on the description of severaloptical spectroscopy techniques useful in analytical chemistry, namelyabsorption and emission atomic and molecular electronicspectroscopies, as well asinfrared absorption vibrational molecularspectroscopy. A special emphasis is given to the explanation of thedifferent light-matter interaction mechanisms and differentapplications of these techniques in analytical chemistry. CSC3 provides mathematical and physical tools useful for therepresentation and the understanding of physicochemical phenomena. Itfocuses on integral calculation (simple, double or triple integral)in the spherical coordinate system to take up problems about molecularorbital overlap integrals and a few problems in molecularspectroscopy. Statistical tools relevant to take up the notions ofBrownian motion and probability for atomistics andchemicalthermodynamics are also presented.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma
Grading Philosophy
CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT (40% OF OVERALL MARK) - CT3 Homework, 16.67% of overall mark - CA remote exam – 45 min,10% of overall mark - CSC3 remote exam – 1h00, 13.33% of overallmark FINAL ASSESSMENT (60% OF OVERALL MARK) - CT3 exam - 1h00, 25 % of overall mark - CA exam- 1h00, 15% ofoverall mark - CSC3 exam – 1h00, 20% of overall mark The firstsession takes place in April. In the case of insufficient results, a second session is organized forthe final exam, either as a written exam or an oral session, dependingon the number of students. This 2nd session takes place at the end ofJune.
Course schedule
CT3 - Wave functions for electrons in molecules: from orbitals toconfigurations - Semi-empirical description for valence electrons:LCAO approximation and population analysis - Electrons inmolecules: reactivity and spectroscopy CA - Emission and absorption atomic spectroscopies - Infraredabsorption vibrational molecular spectroscopy (intransmission andreflection) - Emission and absorption electronic molecularspectroscopies (UV-visible absorption and fluorescence) CSC3 - Integral Calculus - Probability and applications to physics andchemistry
Course type
- Lectures (17 x 1h20) - Tutorials (21 x 1h20)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Please note that the number of places available may be limited forcertain classesDuration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: In-class
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Sébastien BONHOMMEAUsebastien.bonhommeau@u-bordeaux.frCécile CAHUC (secretary)