Theoretical (CThéo2) and Analytical Chemistry (CA1) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The first part, theoretical chemistry (CThéo2), introduces the basesof quantum theory evoked in semester 2 and applies it to thedescription of the hydrogen atom, hydrogen-like ions andpoly-electronic atoms. Molecular orbitals model (MO) for diatomicmolecules associated with the variational principle (linearvariations) are introduced and used to describe the chemical bond.The second part, analytical chemistry (CA1), approaches differentaspects of chemical analysis: gas and liquid chromatography and massspectrometry.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
3 written exams: - Exam CThéo2 – 1 hour, 20% weight of overall mark (mid-semester) - Exam CA1 – 1 hour, 20% weight of overall mark (mid-semester) - Final exam CThéo2+CA1 – 3 hours, 60% weight of overall mark (endof the semester)The first session takes place in May. In case of failure, a second session is organized for the final exam,either as a written final exam or an oral session depending on thenumber of failed students. This 2nd session takes place at the end ofJune.
Course schedule
CTHÉO 2: I – THE FAILURE OF CLASSICAL PHYSICS - Wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, hydrogen atomemission spectrum. II – INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS: - The postulates of quantum mechanics: wave function, operators,Schrödinger equation and the time-independent Schrödinger equation.III – HYDROGEN ATOM AND HYDROGEN-LIKE IONS: - Energy levels, atomic orbitals, quantum numbers, electron spin.IV – MANY ELECTRONS ATOMS - Slater determinant, stability, Pauli and Hund rules basis andorigin. - The variation principle.V – THE CHEMICAL BOND - The Born-Oppenheimer approximation. - The hydrogen molecule ion. - The simple molecular orbital method for diatomic molecules.CA 1:I – GENERAL THEORY OF COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY - Principles, definition of the main chromatographic parameters:retention factor, selectivity, efficiency...II – GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY - Instrumental components: carrier gas, injectors, columns,detectors.III – LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY - Types of liquid column chromatography, instrumentation.IV – INTRODUCTION TO MASS SPECTROMETRY - Fundamentals : principle, units, isotopy, accuracy, resolution. - Electron impact ionization: principle, type of ions,instrumentation.
Course type
Lectures (21 x 1h20) Practical sessions (19 x 1h20)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
* Main lectures are taught in French but all written supports areavailable in English (lectures, exercises, manuals, exams, writtentexts). Exams may be taken in English. Duration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: * English and FrenchMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Yacine Hannachiyacine.hannachi@u-bordeaux.frBénédicte