Thermodynamics University of Bordeaux
Course Overview
The objectives of the course are to explain the macroscopic behaviourof thermodynamic systems by a microscopic description revealing theuniversal characteristics of their study.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
> First session: - Written exam (30% weight of overall mark) - Final written exam (70% weight of overall mark).> Second Session: - Written exam (70% weight of overall mark), recall of the firstsession intermediate evaluation (30% weight of overall mark).
Course schedule
> Lectures:PART A: STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS - Phenomenological Thermodynamics - A more general approach to statistical thermodynamics - Overview of systems made of identical particles withoutinteractionpplications of Boltzmann Statics. - Another statistic - example of the black body radiation. - Lectures – part B:PART B: TRANSITIONS DE PHASE (TAUGHT IN FRENCH) - Rappel : Le modèle des solutions régulières et sesconséquences.Quelques résultats expérimentaux empruntés au magnétisme, ordremagnétique, l'exemple ferromagnétique. - La transition para-ferromagnétique: le modèle d’Ising,diagrammede phases à l'approximation champ moyen, lienbavec le modèle dessolutions régulières. Le voisinage du point de Curie. - Introduction à la théorie de Landau. Qu’est-ce qu’une brisurespontanée de symétrie, un exemple simple de mécanique; La brisurede symétrie associée à la transition para-ferromagnétique,paramètre d’ordre associé. Introduction du développement deLandau. Généralisation, autres types de développements, transitionsfaiblement du premier ordre. Quelques exemples empruntés aux cristauxliquides.* Part A: English = 3 ECTS* Part B: French = 3 ECTS
Course type
> 154 hours - 51 contact hours (28 hours of lectures, 23 hours of tutorials) - 100 self-study hours. - 4.5 hours written assessment exam. * The first part of the course will be taught in English. The second part will be taught in French but the main lectures and other supports for the class will be available in English.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Prerequisites: basics of “Thermodynamics” (undergraduate level).Duration: Spring SemesterLanguage of instruction: French and English * (See below: teaching methods)Mode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: lectures, tutorials
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jean-Christophe Baretjean-christophe.baret@u-bordeaux.frFrederic Nalletfrederic.nallet@u-bordeaux.frCorinne