Topics in Advanced Econometrics National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Advanced treatment of quantile regressions. Covers topics: 1. Quantile regression applications 2. Quantile regression theory (a helicopter tour and then details) 3. Endogeneity, IV estimation, and unconditional quantile regressions 4. Panel quantile regressions
Learning Achievement
Studies advanced econometric methodologies used in a wide variety of applications in economics. Mastery of techniques taught in a class demonstrated through the completion of an econometrics paper.
Course prerequisites
The course grade will be based on problem sets (20%), a book chapter (Koenker 2005) presentation (35%), and a term paper presentation (45%, peer grading). Prereq: Econometric Theory I and Introduction to Quantitative Methods.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Jau-Er Chen
Other information
(College of Social Sciences) Graduate Institute of Economics
*Registration eligibility: graduate students.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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