Topics in Social Sciences University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course deals with advanced and contemporary topics in social sciences from the conceptual, practical, and public policy perspectives. The course will cover topics ranging from economic development, inequality and poverty, inter-and-intra national migration, political economics of public policies, sustainable development, and the prospects as well as the challenges of globalization.
Learning Achievement
The academic goal of the course is to equip students with the necessary skill to critically observe social issues as well as develop analytical arguments to address the problems in modern societies. Students will also develop their critical thinking skills by dealing with topics of their interest and writing a critical report.
This course deals with advanced and contemporary topics in social sciences from the conceptual, practical, and public policy perspectives so as to develop the critical thinking skills of students as well as deal with contemporary issues in society in comparative context. The course will cover topics ranging from economic development, inequality and poverty, inter-and-intra national migration, political economics of public policies, sustainable development, and the prospects as well as the challenges of globalization.
Course prerequisites
Students should first take Introduction to Social Sciences before attending this course.
Grading Philosophy
The evaluation of student performance is based on the following criteria: Class participation: 20 percent; Assignments and Report: 30 percent; Final Exam: 50 percent;
Course schedule
Week 1: Introduction and OverviewWeek 2: Society and EconomyWeek 3: Economic Analysis of PovertyWeek 4. Income Distribution and InequalityWeek 5: Demographic Issues, Features and MigrationWeek 6:Population AgingWeek 7. International Trade and Investment PoliciesWeek 8: Foreign Aid Trend and ConsequencesWeek 9: Economic Development and Social MobilityWeek 10. Review and Discussion
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Moges Abu Girma
Other information
Class participation is encouraged and taken into account for performance evaluation.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university