Topics on Particulate Technology National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course will cover topics in particle technology, with an emphasis on the design and modeling of equipment for particle manufacture, separation and handling. We discuss the crystalline state of matter, crystal size distributions, crystal nucleation and growth, design of crystallizers and filters, fluidization, slurry transport, particle mixing and segregation, and particle size reduction and enlargement. Students will work in small groups to complete a design project. Several homework assignments will be given over the course of the semester. Exams will be open-notes. Grades will be determined approximately as follows: Homework 20% Semester Project 30% Mid-term exam 20% Final exam 30% References: Introduction to particle technology (2nd ed.) by Martin Rhodes Industrial crystallization : fundamentals and applications by Alison Emslie Lewis, Marcelo Martins Seckler, Herman Kramer and Gerda Van Rosmalen Crystallization : Basic Concepts and Industrial Applications. Edited by Wolfgang Beckmann
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
This class is suitable for senior undergraduate or graduate students in chemical engineering or a related field.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Jeffrey Daniel Ward
Other information
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering,
(College of Engineering) Department of Chemical Engineering
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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