U.S. Foreign Policy University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
This course provides a basic knowledge and analytical framework for understanding U.S. foreign policy since World War II. The purpose of the course is to help students develop a theoretical understanding of key issues related to U.S. foreign policy, including traditional security topics such as hegemony and the balance of power, as well as broader policy concerns such as democracy promotion, multilateralism, and non-traditional security threats. Specifically, the course examines how each administration has addressed international challenges and opportunities, focusing not only on international relations but also on the policy-making process and the linkage between foreign and domestic policy.
Learning Achievement
1. 汎用コンピテンス:批判的・創造的思考力。 2. 専門コンピテンス:国際学(国際関係)の理解、国際学(国際関係)についての分析能力。
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
小レポート(30%) 期末試験(70%)
Course schedule
授業の前半ではアメリカ外交の歴史を整理し、後半ではそれを踏まえていくつかの論点について考察を加えていく。 進捗状況・受講生の関心に応じて順序や内容を変更する可能性がある。
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hidaka Kaoru
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university