UK and EU Company Law National Taiwan University

Course Overview
UK and EU Company Law is a one-semester module which aims to provide an introduction to and analysis of some of the fundamental areas of UK and EU laws of companies. The module covers topics concerning the use of the corporate form, in particular looking at issues arising on incorporation, issues arising from the company's structure, administration and management and issues with directors' obligations and minority shareholder protection. It also covers corporate responsibility in contract, tort and criminal law and major issues of corporate governance in the UK and EU. TA :李建德(Lee, Chien-Te ) E-mail
Learning Achievement
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: Module-specific skills (1) demonstrate a good understanding of the main areas of company law in England and Wales and the EU, and be able to discuss the practical and business context in which they operate; (2) demonstrate critical awareness of relevant issues, and identify and analyse critically legal problems in the commercial law context; and (3) demonstrate awareness of pragmatic, commercial, moral, policy and/or other issues in this field. Discipline-specific skills (4) identify and evaluate critically legal data from more than one source or jurisdiction; (5) analyse and apply legal data to specific facts and deduce likely outcomes where law is indeterminate; (6) demonstrate independent legal research and study skills; and (7) identify, select and organise materials and produce coherent and convincing arguments. Personal and key skills (8) demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills; (9) demonstrate sound paper-based and electronic research skills; and demonstrate effective team skills.
Course prerequisites
students need to have good command of English as they will be required to do group presentation - starting from the second lesson of week1.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Joseph Lee
Other information
(College of Law) Graduate Institute of Law,
(College of Law) Department of Law
*Registration eligibility: juniors and above.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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