UNICELL – the cell: unity within diversity University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course consists of a hybrid learning module that providesessential information about the major components of the cell and howthese components contribute to the overall functioning. The cell isanalysed as if it were a unicellular organism. "Uni" stands for "unityin diversity" as the cells of different organisms have many elementsin common.Students attend lectures and must prepare as part of a team, lecturesfor fellow students on a selected subject.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- High-school graduate level of cell biology - Internet knowledge and connection
Grading Philosophy
SUMMATIVE: - In-course assessment of formal lectures (0.4 weighting) - Assessment of peer teaching at the end of the course (during thefinal 2 face-to-face sessions, an assessment rubric is provided), (0.6weighting) - Team auto-evaluation to ensure individual accountabilityFORMATIVE: - Team auto-evaluation to ensure individual accountability (learninghow to auto-evaluate mid-way through the course)
Course schedule
Introductory lectures provide an overview of cells, tissues, organsand organisms. These lectures also cover organelles and their role incell functioning.Lectures presented by students provide a more detailed description ofone of the following topics: the cell membrane, cellular transportacross the cell membrane, protein synthesis, protein routing, thecomposition and roles of the cytoskeleton, secretion and endocytosis,cell division, the nucleus and gene replication. Please note: students must choose, for the preparation of theirlecture, a topic with a gene that is involved in an inheriteddisease (e.g. transporter deficiency, muscle wasting, metabolicerrors, etc.)
Course type
- 15 hours of formal face-to-face teaching - Peer teaching with the preparation of content as part of a team - Tutorials to monitor student progress - Self-learning (library, Internet resources)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Maximum number of students: 16 Relevant English textbooks in library (BUST, Section "Sciences de laVie", level +1):- The Cell (Alberts, et al.), 3 copies, code 571.6 MOL - MolecularBiology of the Cell (Lodish, et al.), 2 copies, 571.6 MOL (same codebut not same authors) - Essential Cell Biology (Alberts, et al.), 2copies, code 571.6 ESS - Cell Biology (Karp), 1 copy, code 571.6 KARRelevant French multimedia resources- www.cellbiol.net/cbe/multimedia.php[http://www.cellbiol.net/cbe/multimedia.php] - For genes andinherited diseases: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM),www.omim.org/ [https://www.omim.org/]Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Blended learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: IJsbrand Kramerijsbrand.kramer@u-bordeaux.frFrédérique Carrèrefrederique.carrere@u-bordeaux.fr