Value Creation University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- To prepare students to be immediate contributors in the workplaceupon graduation and to train them for success over their careers ineither academia or industry (chief project managers). - To develop students’ critical competencies in creating economicas well as societal value from digital public health data. - To sensitise students on necessary strong and demonstrable projectmanagement skills: planning, coordinating and achieving milestones(technical / operational skills), and communicating, influencing,relationship building, resolving issues and managing risks (leadershipskills). - To make students aware of their entrepreneurial capacity andcomprehension regarding societal an economic value created fromdigital public health data research.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Solid knowledge of English - Easiness with online learning (e-learning platforms) - Fluent writing
Grading Philosophy
- Continuous assessment (i.e., written tests, quizzes, video making,written documents). The assessment is formative and duration variesfrom each student since they organize themselves their schedule. Marksare the sum of 3 components: a closed-item quiz, a video and adocument explaining the business model. Final marks are delivered atthe end of the course. If falling, students have 15 day more tore-send the video and/or the business model and/or complete a newquiz.
Course schedule
- Principles of value creation in academia and industry: basics ofscientific communication through classic and online supports (frompaper writing to posting on social networks). - Creating value in industry: creating a business model of a personalproject around public health. - Communication value to the public: lay communication is developedto share science with all publics.MODULES TITLES:1.Principles of Value Creation2.Value Creation in the Academic Environment3.Methods to create and innovate4.Innovate with a business model and marketing strategies5.Value Creation for a wider6.Funding and supporting innovation7.Protecting yourself and understanding the dynamics of innovation8.How to finance an innovate project9.The GRP Business Model10.Find a business idea11.Internal and external organisation of a company 12.How to make money13.The Business Model, a system
Course type
Online lectures (video watching), reading materials provided by the lecturers, production of videos. - E-learning (hours include viewing videos and reading online materials plus tutoring by the coordinator on the teaching unit) - The module will give students the abilities to learn how to create scientific and economic value from health data. Through the production of several videos and a business model plus the completion of a quiz, students will develop their skills as entrepreneurs and science dealers.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Maximum number of students: 21 (as for the whole MSc) - Selection procedure and criteria: having succeeded the teachingunits of the first semester - Students are asked at the end of the course to provide theiranonymous evaluation through a pre-defined form. - Course from M2 Public Health Data ScienceDuration: 9 weeks (65 hours)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: E-learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Ilaria MONTAGNIilaria.montagni@u-ordeaux.frCamila