Water Quality Management National Taiwan University

Course Overview
The course has the following major components: 1. Water uses and pollution: Overview of water characteristics, water uses, water pollutants; sources of water pollution, characteristics of domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater 2. Chemical reaction and pollutant transfer: Reaction kinetics, reaction equilibrium, mass balance, reactor performance, pollutant transport model 3. Water Quality in Natural Systems: Analysis of Lake eutrophication, conventional pollutants in rivers, etc.. 4. Water Pollution Management: Water quality monitoring, pollution management practices
Learning Achievement
1. Understand fundamental principles of water quality management 2. Use mathematical models to deal with water quality problems in natural and engineered systems. These include mass balance, reaction kinetics, and transfer mechanisms 3. Equip the knowledge to analyze the problems associated with water quality to predict impacts associated with the pollution of the environment
Course prerequisites
This course is taught in English
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yi-Pin Lin
Other information
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://enve.ntu.edu.tw/dispPageBox/giee/GieeENHP.aspx?ddsPageID=GIEEEN