Water Resources System Analysis National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course is intended to develop a students ability to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate approaches to water resource management in terms of their technical feasibility, economic merits, and public policy implications. We will discuss the fundamental optimization theories and the application potentials for water resources and environmental systems planning, resources conservation, and pollution control. The operational research techniques, including linear programming, dynamic programming, nonlinear programming, stochastic programming and multi-objective programming, will be introduced. Both engineering and economic principles will be incorporated into optimization exercises that are used as a means of policy analysis. Most examples cover typical planning, design, and operation problems for water resources and environmental infrastructure with regard to complex multidisciplinary decision-making. Water resources system models addressing the interfaces and interactions between the built environment and the natural systems will be emphasized. Students are expected to finish a term-project according to their research interest to demonstrate their understanding of the course contents.
Learning Achievement
You are supposed to understand:
1) Introduce water resources systems modeling approach.
2) Classical theory of maxima and minima
3) Linear Programming
4) Nonlinear Programming
5) Dynamic Programming
6) Optimization software
7) Policy instruments and regulation
8) Decision making theory & uncertainty
9) Stochastic programming
10) Discussion of water resource management and planning
Course prerequisites
*Majors-only (including minor and double major students).
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Jiing-Yun You
Other information
Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering Division,
Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Transporation Engineering Division
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ce_eng/