Work Placement University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
As part of their training, students have to carry out an 11-weekinternship in a company or a research lab abroad. During theirinternships, they are supervised by a staff member from the Departmentof Applied Physics and Measurement Engineering, as well as by someoneon site in the company/lab. They are given a topic, or a set of tasksat the beginning of their internships, which they have to carry out.Their work is assessed by the company supervisor (with a providedassessment grid), the students have to write a report and give an oralpresentation back at the department, this gives them three marks.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
- Final report & oral presentation with slideshow in June. - Thebehaviour, skills & knowledge are assessed by the trainee's supervisorall along the placement.
Course schedule
The contents of the internship will be the equivalent of an advancedtechnician.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 11 weeksMode of delivery: This 11-week placement can be carried out in foreign companies or university laboratories
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Thierry Villardthierry.villard@u-bordeaux.frOlivier