Human Resource Management

This course provides a general introduction about Human Resource Management (HRM). It breaks into four main fields: (1) Recruitment (Talent selection), (2) Learning and Development (Talent incubation), (3) Performance management and compensation& benefit (Talent Motivation), (4) Human resource reservation (Talent Retention). Instructional methods will include lectures, case study, group discussion and inviting experience guest speaker to share their perspectives on the specific related topics. This course highly target at achieving below objectives:

1. Let our students establish the clear understanding about HRM

2. To provoke student’s interest about HRM

3. Bring cases scenario to simulate how HRM works in the real business world in the interactive learning environment

College of Management Main Campus *Restrict to 3rd-year and above.
*Restrict to students of College of Management. Litsung Chen 50 Tuesday 2,3,4 GMBA5020 3 Half Global MBA, College of Management

Brain and Language

This course focuses on the neural basis of language. It addresses how the brain works to process speaking, reading, and understanding language in human beings. It emphasizes how neuro-imaging data are used to form the theories of language. I will present empirical evidence of conventional psycholinguistic studies and recent imaging findings. The aim of this course is to provide an integrative overview of how the components of the language system combine together. Students are required to take part weekly article presentations. College of Science Main Campus Tai-Li Chou 15 Wednesday 2,3,4 Psy5274 3 Half Department of Psychology,
Graduate Institute of Psychology,
Program of Neurobiology and Cognitive Science

Politics and Nationalism in East and SE Asian Archaeological Cultural Heritage

This course explores archaeological cultural heritage in East and Southeast Asia and how material remains of past human behavior in this broad region play an active role in shaping human perceptions of self and others in the present day. Archaeological cultural heritage as an academic field and as a profession is rapidly evolving in East and SE Asia, with governmental policy making, political motivations such as nation-building and nationalistic agendas, globalization, economic expansion and development, and many other factors shaping choices for how and why archaeological sites, objects, architecture, and landscapes are preserved, protected, and presented. This course will focus on these political roles of archaeological cultural heritage and examine them in conceptual and theoretical terms using a necessarily anthropological, interdisciplinary approach with models and methods from archaeology, critical museology, material cultural theory, postcolonial theory, and memory studies, among others. Case studies from around East and Southeast Asia, including Taiwan, mainland China, Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, and Malaysia will serve to provide insight into the relationship between archaeological heritage and nationalism and allow us to explore such related issues as the domination of Eurocentrism in heritage practice and theory (and see new alternatives arising); heritage’s role in identity and ideology; contested ownership; commodification and value; memorialization and “dark heritage” (e.g., post-conflict or post-trauma sites); indigenous and minority rights and stakeholding; the impact of looting and the illicit antiquities trade; and heritage tourism.

This course is open to upper-level undergraduates and MA students (學士班高年級及碩士班). This course is conducted in English, with English-language readings and written assignments. This seminar-style course will familiarize upper-level undergraduate and Masters students with current issues in archaeological cultural heritage in East and Southeast Asia. Through case studies from the region, students will become familiar with key concepts and issues in the region and gain a critical understanding of the interrelationships between political motivations in the present and the reconstruction and presentation of the archaeological past(s) as cultural heritage. College of Liberal Arts Shuiyuan Campus *Restrict to 3rd-year and above and graduate students. David Cohen 10 Tuesday 7,8,9 Anth5109 3 Half Department of Anthropology,
Graduate Institute of Anthropology

Behavior and learning

This is a basic introductory course for Behavior Analysis principles. In this sense, it aims to provide the basic requirements for the student to understand the experimental and conceptual foundations of Behavior Analysis, so that the graduate student is able to attend other disciplines in the program. At the end of the course, it is expected that students are able to: 1. Identify the main concepts of behavior analysis; 2. Analyze behavior using such concepts; 3. Perform laboratory experiments with human subjects and/or animals, formulate the research question, the experimental design, collect and analyze data. 4. Prepare scientific reports following international publishing standards Institute of Psychology (IP) São Paulo main campus Theoretical part: 1. Selection by consequences (phylogenetic, ontogenetic and cultural levels); 2. Response Consequences: reinforcement (positive and negative) 3. Response Consequences: punishment (positive and negative); 4. Secondary Reinforcement; 5. Schedules of reinforcement; 6. Stimulus Control; 7. Discrimination and Generalization; 8. Equivalence Stimuli Classes; 9. Verbal Behavior; 10. Rule Governed Behavior; 11. Social Contingencies; 12. The Evolution of Cultural Practices. Practical Part: Developing a research involving animals and/or humans. Animal research is conducted in operant conditioning lab using rats and involves observation and registration of operant level, shaping lever press, establishing stimulus control and performances under schedules of reinforcement. Research with human involves complex stimulus control, verbal behavior and/or cultural selection Maria Martha Costa H_bner, Paula Debert, Marcelo Frota Lobato Benvenuti 22 PSE5750 12 Seminars; – Exams – Research Report

Twentieth-Century Irish Theatre

The Emerald Isle, or Ireland, is well-known for a nation with world-class literature, Nobel Prize winners, playwrights, and award-winning film directors. However, what makes the Irish good storytellers in particular? What prompts its artists to produce masterpieces over the generations? This course aims to uncover the diverse Irish experiences through drama, in attempt to explore how Ireland, as a largely Catholic nation and a former British colony–controversially, rebuilds and interrogates its history in the twentieth century. The issues to be discussed include the making of political identities, individuality versus religious authorities, cultural nationalism and de-colonization, sectarian violence, gender and racial divides, immigration and ethnic minorities. We will cover drama written by both genders, Catholics and Protestants, Republicans and Unionists, and from the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland, so as to maintain a balanced view of Irish experiences. We will also discuss how Irish intellectuals struggled against political and religious powers to initiate social changes. Observing the painful experiences of this divided nation?which is still in this case?will unveil the changing faces of Ireland since the early twentieth century to date. College of Liberal Arts 1. At least Four short reflection journals: 400 words; upload to Ceiba’s Forum (討論區). 2. Two responses to classmates’ journals. 3. Final exam. 4. You are more than welcome to present your ideas on Ceiba’s “Forum/討論看板” and recommend relevant websites on “Resources/資源分享”. Your online participation will be rewarded with points in your final grade. 5. Handouts (to be purchased from 鳳鈺影印行?新生南路三段56巷11號, Fong-yu Copy Shop?No.11, Lane 56, Sec. 3, Xin-Sheng South Road, Taipei.) WEI-HUNG KAO Thursday 67 FL3229 2