Tag: Physics
Buildings can produce less greenhouse gas emissions while being more energy efficient, comfortable, healthy, and economical through the proper application of sustainable design, construction and operation principles. In this course, students are introduced to environmental issues associated with buildings as well as concepts of performance indicators. Also, students are exposed to the fundamental knowledge of modeling methods and simulation tools used in performance-based building design, and operation. This sets the ground for an in-depth discussion of performance prediction for energy demand and the use of building simulations in life cycle analysis for the selection of energy-efficient building components and systems. College of Engineering Main Campus Engineering Mathematics (I), Engineering Mathematics (II), Computer Programming Ying-Chieh Chan 40 Monday 2,3,4 CIE5116 (521EU9060) 3 *Majors-only (including minor and double major students). http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ce_eng/
Advanced Heat TeansferNOTE: This course is an ADVANCED LEVEL heat transfer, and also serves as one of the required subjects of the qualifying exam for Ph.D. students in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Heavy course load is to be expected.
NOTE: The lectures of this class will be given in English. However, you can ask or raise questions in Mandarin. My answers or replies will be in English during class, and in Mandarin/English after class based on your preferences.
NOTE: Class meets on Thursdays 14:20–17:20, ten to fifteen minute break from 15:50 to 16:00 or 16:05 for each meeting.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a 3-unit half-year elective course on intermediate to advanced level conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer directed towards graduate students and undergraduate upperclassman audiences. This course also serves as one of the required subjects of the qualifying exam for Ph.D. students in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Heavy course load is to be expected. Three major topics are to be discussed in this class. They are: 1. Steady and unsteady 1D and multidimensional conduction heat transfer. 2. Laminar/turbulent forced and natural convection heat transfer of internal and external flows with additional focuses on boiling and condensation phenomena. 3. Radiation heat transfer for black, gray diffuse, and gaseous bodies. Our discussions for each of the topics are to be directed towards two directions: 1. Classical mathematical and analytical techniques. 2. Modeling and approximation methods. Active class participation and discussions are greatly encouraged. 1. To understand the underlying physics and mechanisms governing the conduction, convection, and radiative heat energy transfer processes in general engineering systems from a macroscopic continuum point of view. 2. To acquire the classical mathematical tools and techniques required in analyzing conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer problems. 3. To develop physical intuition and insights towards heat transfer problem solving so that general complex engineering heat transfer problems can be described by simple physical models and solved with minimum mathematical efforts, i.e., “back of the envelope calculations.” College of Engineering Main Campus Engineering Mathematics, Elementary Thermodynamics, Elementary Heat & Mass Transfer Huang, Hsin-Fu 40 Thursday 7,8,9 ME5150 (522EU3740) 3 (College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Mechanical Engineering,
(College of Engineering) Department of Mechanical Engineering http://www.me.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?site_id=1
The objective of this course is to provide an overview of heat and mass transfer theory and application. This course also intends to provide the background for advanced research related to heat and mass transfer or transport phenomena in chemical engineering. College of Engineering Main Campus Da Ming Wang 45 Monday 2 Wednesday 3,4 ChemE7006 (524EM1200) 3 (College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering http://www.che.ntu.edu.tw/che/?lang=en
Seminar in Structural Mechanics1. Invited Lecture (every week) 2. Special Topic (Lecture) Let students understand the most update research topics in Structural Engineering. College of Engineering Main Campus Chin-Hsiung Loh 120 Thursday 7,8,9 CIE7071 (521EM6200) 1 (College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division
*Registration eligibility: graduate students. http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ce_eng/
[1] Introduction [2] Satellite signals and data structure [3] Satellite orbit (Intro. to orbit mechanics) [4] Geodetic reference frames and coordinates transformations [5] Time system [6] Atmospheric effects [7] GPS observables [8] Data processing [9] Precision analysis [10] Design of a satellite surveying project College of Engineering Main Campus 20 Wednesday 7,8,9 CIE7144 (521EM7320) 3 (College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering,Geotechnical Engineering Division
*Registration eligibility: graduate students. http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ce_eng/
1. MR signal source 2. Spatial encoding and image contrast 3. Hardware 4. K-space 5. Fast scan* 6. Image quality 7. Artifacts in MRI 8. MR angiography 9. Diffusion MRI* 10. Perfusion MRI* 11. MR spectroscopy* 12. Clinical applications 13. Bio-effects and safety 14. Lab tour The instructor will give advanced courses on the asterisked topics and functional magnetic resonance imaging next semester. After finishing this course, the students will (hopefully) have basic understanding of MRI and its applications in clinical medicine. College of Medicine Downtown Campus-NTU Hospital 1. Graduate standing or consent of instructor 2. Basic knowledge of calculus and matrix operation Wen-Chau Wu 20 Thursday 2,3,4 ClinMD7046 (421EM9290) 3 (College of Medicine) Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine,
(College of Medicine Graduatte Institute of Oncology,
Non-degree Program: Program of Neurobiology and Cognitive Science,
(College of Medicine) Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine,
(College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics http://clinicalmedicine.mc.ntu.edu.tw/en/Pages/default.aspx
This course provides a fundamental knowledge of dynamics, including kinematics and kinetics of particle, system of particles, and rigid bodies in planar and three-dimensional motion. A systematic approach, namely vector analysis and modeling procedure (VAMP), is introduced to precisely describe linear and angular positions, velocities, accelerations, forces, and torques for generating a set of equations of motion, without missing any terms. Other modeling of energy equations, momentum equations, impact of particles and rigid bodies, and Euler equations* are also addressed. Not only are students trained to have the ability of modeling dynamic systems in terms of equations of motion, but they are also experienced with engineering insight of physical laws. (*optional) The primary goal of this fundamental course is to help students become knowledgeable engineers to describe dynamical systems in a systematic approach. On this foundation, students will be prepared to take intermediate dynamics, system dynamics, advanced dynamics, vibration, and structure dynamics. College of Engineering Main Campus Prerequisite: Calculus (differentiation and some integration).
Homework Assignments: examples plus problems with ending numbers 2 and 6, or specially assigned. It is not required to turn in homework, but the selected problems from homework are tested in quiz. Quiz 36% (each of 9%), Midterm 30%, Final 30%, Attendance 4%. Missed Exam: NO make-up exams will be given without the permission of the instructor. Only unusual and extenuating circumstances warrant a make-up exam. Warning: No grace points after final for any reason. Study Group: (2-3 members) Do your homework by yourself first, and discuss your solution with your team members once a week at least. Yee Pien Yang 65 Tuesday 7,8,9 ME1006 (502E21140) 3 *Majors-only (including minor and double major students). http://www.me.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?site_id=1
This course is a complete review of advanced quantitative methods in fisheries stock assessment.
Course covers introduction, decision analysis to evaluate alternative management actions, Bayesian state-space
modelling, Meta-analysis, Integrated analysis, and Spatial modelling in stock assessment Assessment models of
biomassdynamics model, age-structured production model, and integrated stock assessment model (e.g., Stock
Synthesis, SS) will be included. Student will be familiar with methods in fish population dynamics
and stock assessment (e.g.., Bayesian posterior distribution, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, state-space modelling, etc.)
and proficient in parameter estimation (e.g., unfished biomass, spawning biomass, MSY), as well as the uncertainty,
of an exploited fish population, and evaluation of harvest restrictions for fisheries management problems by using
various computer programs and tools (e.g., AD Model Builder [ADMB], WinBUGS/JAGS, SS).
The course draws examples from real fisheries in the world and provides student broad experiences of
various fishery data and fish biology. The course is primarily for students of fisheries and marine ecology,
but should also appeal to those interested in conservation ecology and advanced ecological modelling. The main objective of the course was to become proficient with background and tools to conduct advanced stock assessment modelling for fisheries. Student will develop professional skills of data analysis, quantitative fish population modelling, and theory and implication of fish harvest management. Student will carry out fisheries data analysis, modelling, and interpretation on a regular basis throughout the course. The course expects student will develop their own model and application. Course will provide basic programming training by following the examples using Excel, R, ADMB, WinBUGS/JAGS. College of Science Main Campus Ocean 7176 Ecological Modeling for Conservation of Fisheries Resources is recommended (not required) prior to this course Yi-Jay Chang 8 Wednesday 6,7,8 Ocean7178 (241EM3860) 3 http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en
Topics on Weak Interaction and CP Violation in Particle Physics – current phenomenology and experimental results. Advance the knowledge in particle physics College of Science Main Campus Besides self-reading materials in textbook, further reading and research reference papers are expected. Homeworks, Mid-term and Final Exams. Yee Hsiung 20 Wednesday 9,10,A Phys8128 (222ED3420) 3 (College of Science) Graduate Institute of Physics http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/webeng/APHome.aspx
Quantum Chromodynamics at CollidersQuarks and gluons are the building blocks of matter, hidden in the atomic nuclei and in cosmic ray hadrons. Do quarks and gluons exist? What is the physics describing these elusive particles and how do they relate to the theory of everything? This module is intended to theory and experiment students who want to learn more about the theory of the strong interaction. The module will cover the physics of quarks and gluons from an experimental and theoretical point of view. Starting from the preQCD era and the introduction of quarks, the quark-parton model and colour in the 1960’s we will move to the formal QCD theory and the deep inelastic scattering experiments that established it. Parton density functions (quark and gluon) from the theory to their actual detailed measurement will be discussed. Their role in the Higgs boson and search for Physics beyond the standard model will also be covered. Particular emphasis will be given in the running of the strong coupling (renormalization) and its role in the chiral symmetry breaking and colour confinement. Discussions on the modern machinery for calculating cross sections to be tested in experiments will be covered. College of Science Main Campus Introductory knowledge of Particle Physics is preferred but not required. Basic knowledge of Quantum Mechanics is required. Stathes Paganis 30 Thursday 7,8,9 Phys7048 (222EM6040) 3 (College of Science) Graduate Institute of Physics http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/webeng/APHome.aspx
Introduction to Recent Trends in Atomic and Molecular Physics1. Atomic structure and atom-atom interactions 2. Atom-field interactions 3. Recent developments in atomic physics 4. Molecular structure 5. Molecular spectroscopy 6. Non Born-Oppenheimer phenomena 7. Experimental aspects in molecular physics College of Science Main Campus Quantum physics, modern physics or quantum chemistry Kopin Liu 50 Tuesday 2,3,4 Phys5051 (222EU2230) 3 (College of Science) Department of Physics,
(College of Science) Graduate Institute of Physics http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/webeng/APHome.aspx
This course is designed to introduce students to instrumental methods in Astroparticle physics. The course consists of lectures and practices in instrumentations. We begin with an introduction of particle interaction in matter and several important particle detectors. Students will be familiar with basic principles of cosmic ray detection by making a simple cosmic ray detector and performing cosmic ray experiments. Through this course students will acquire basic skills of circuit design, data handling, and data analysis. *To be familiar with cosmic rays and their interactions *To understand cosmic ray detectors *To understand the principle of two channel Geiger-Muller counter *To understand data processing electronics *To acquire practical experience performing cosmic ray experiments assembly *To understand Muon propagation and life time College of Science Main Campus General Physics / Modern Physics / Electronics and Electronics Lab (preferred) Jiwoo Nam 15 Wednesday 7,8,9 Phys5055 (222EU5040) 3 (College of Science) Institute of Arstrophysics,
(College of Science) Graduate Institute of Physics http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/webeng/APHome.aspx