Comparative Politics: Public Opinion, Public Policy and Representation

The course aims to introduce students to the main research paradigms in comparative political behavior; and, to advance training in doing original empirical research on political participation, voting, public opinion analysis, etc. in a comparative perspective. Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Human Sciences (FFLCH) São Paulo main campus Students should have a background in statistical inference (for example, FLS 5028, or a similar course) and multivariate regression analysis (for example, FLS 6183, or a similar course). 1. Participation 2. Values, Issues and Ideological Orientations 3. Partisanship and Voting 4. Attitudes and Political Behavior 5. Representation 6. Performance and the Vote 7. Economic Crisis and Reform 8. Globalization and the Vote Lorena Guadalupe Barberia 40 FLS6403 8 Problem Sets and Quizzes 50% Final Paper 50%