Tag: Science
We have many international students in National Taiwan University. To fulfill the needs of international students of English courses, the College of Bio-resources and Agriculture opens a course “Exploring Taiwan ? Natural Environmental and Resources”, which is taught in English. The instructors of this course are all the best of Taiwan in their fields, including atmospheric science, environment science, physical and social geography. They will help students to learn more about the beautiful nature of Taiwan. It will give international students a wide range of background knowledge, increasing their understanding of Taiwan and enabling them to take advanced courses lectured in Chinese or partake in research in the future. College of Bio-Resources & Agriculture Main Campus Hsiao Wei Yuan 75 Wednesday 8,9 Forest5035 2 Half School of Forestry and Resource Conservation,
Program in Taiwan Studies http://www.fo.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?lang=en&Trad2Simp=n
I. Soil Chemistry Overview and Problem Solving
II. Soil Matrix Composition
III. Chemical Processes Affecting Strongly Bound Soil Elements
– Aqueous complexation
– Precipitation and Dissolution
– Adsorption _ Macroscopic and Molecular Models
VI. Systematic Application of Soil Chemistry to Problem Solving
Course Objectives: (1) To gain awareness of the complexity of soils and soil components, and soil chemical processes that affect strongly bound nutrients and contaminants; (2) To develop skills in applying soil chemistry toward solving environmental and agricultural problems; and (3) To relate molecular-scale soil chemical properties and processes to macroscale behavior of soil contaminants and plant nutrients. College of Bio-Resources & Agriculture Main Campus Zeng-Yei Hseu 42 Monday X,A,B Wednesday X,A,B Friday X,A,B AC5068 1 Half Graduate Institute of Agricultural Chemistry http://www.ac.ntu.edu.tw/?locale=en
Statistics and Econometrics with Recitation(1)Statistics and Econometrics I and II are designed for Econ major students to fulfill the departmental quantitative analysis requirements, and ECON 2014 Statistics and Econometrics I is the first half of this sequence.
In Statistics and Econometrics I, we will focus on basic probability theory and fundamentals of mathematical statistics, since probability and statistics are important tools to predict economic outcomes under uncertain environments. Some important topics covered in Statistics and Econometrics I are conditional probability, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and introduction of linear regression. Its objective is to provide students with basic statistical tools and concepts that will help them estimate economic models and do subsequent inferences. College of Social Science Main Campus Sheng-Kai Chang 140 Tuesday 6,7,8 Wednesday 3,4 ECON2014 4 Full Department of Economics http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw/db/new2011/index.asp?l=english
Introduction to Quautitative MethodsThis is a mathematical analysis course for doctoral and master students in economics. The course aims to
prepare you for advanced courses in economics and your future research. The material includes some basic
concepts in set theory, real analysis, convexity and optimization. Given the time constraint, the focus of the
course is not to have an extensive coverage of mathematical concept and theorem, but rather to give you a
decent training in abstract reasoning and theorem proving. Course Outlines
Sets and Functions
1. Sets
2. Functions
3. Cardinality
3. Rational Numbers
Real Numbers and Metric Space
1. Real Numbers
2. Metric Space
3. Convergence
4. Cauchy Sequence
1. Open Sets and Closed Sets
2. Continuous Functions
3. Compactness
4. Existence of Optima
Covexity and Optimization
1. Convexity
2. Duality
3. Karush_Kuhn_Tucker Theorem
Linear Algebra
1. Vector Space
2. Matrix Algebra
3. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
College of Social Science Main Campus *Restrict to graduate students.
*Ten classes only, from Aug. 28 to Sept. 8, Monday to Friday, 9:10-12:10
Chien-Chiang Wang 80 ECON7009 2 Half Graduate Institute of Economics http://www.econ.ntu.edu.tw/db/new2011/index.asp?l=english
I open several related courses. Please visit our lab website for more detailed info on how to choose my lectures based on your preference.
This is a basic course intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students with knowledge of basic biology. Students who are interested in any fields in ecosystem sciences (e.g. ecology, microbial biology, oceanography, and conservation biology) are all welcome. The background for advanced mathematics is not presumed. We will learn basic mathematical methods for analyzing ecological systems with one-species, two-species, and more species. Statistics and computer programming are beyond our focus. The course is designed for hand-on work. We just need ?gpaper-and-pencil?h for learning how to think quantitatively about populations and communities. If necessary, we will also use well-developed software but we do not need skills in computer programming. There will be dedicated time every week for students to do ?gpaper-and-pencil?h exercise. The topics may include:
1. Introduction to theoretical ecology
2. Exponential and logistic population growth
3. Competitive interaction
4. Resource-consumer dynamics
5. Community dynamics and material fluxes
6. Population dynamics in space
7. Community dynamics in space
8. Matrix models for populations and communities
9. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
10. Introduction to numerical calculations
11. Practice for developing a new model The objectives is to provide students with mathematical skills for dynamical modeling of populations and communities, which are necessary for mechanistic and quantitative understanding of complexity in ecological systems. College of Science Main Campus Takeshi Miki 25 Thursday 2,3,4 Ocean5054 3 Half Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division,
Introductory Course of Marine Science http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en
I open several related courses. Please visit our lab website for more detailed info on how to choose my lectures based on your preference.
The objective is to provide students with computer skills for dynamical modeling of populations and communities, which are governed by difference equation, ordinary differential equation, or partial differential equation.
This is an introductory course intended for undergraduate and graduate students with knowledge of basic ecology. We will learn basic skills of computer programming (C language) with Linux. If necessary, we will also learn mathematical theories of numerical calculations. Every student needs to bring his/her own notebook PC/Mac with enough memory size (2GB in total is recommended) and empty part of hard disk. Ubuntu does not work in a sufficient speed in some of Netbook (e.g. old Eee PC). All applications that are necessary for this course will be provided. Each lecture will include:
1. Setting up your computer
2. Basic commands in Linux
3-9. Basic grammar and algorithms in C-language
10. How to use gnuplot (an application for graphics)
11. Numerical calculations for difference equations
12-13. Mathematical theories of numerical calculations of ordinary differential equations
14. Numerical calculations for population dynamics of a single species
15. Numerical calculations for population dynamics of multiple species
16. Numerical calculations for reaction-diffusion models To learn computer skills for dynamical modeling of populations and communities, which are governed by difference equation, ordinary differential equation, or partial differential equation. College of Science Main Campus Takeshi Miki 15 Thursday 6,7 OCEAN5069 2 Half Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en
Ecological Modeling ExerciseI open several related courses. Please visit our lab website for more detailed info on how to choose my lectures based on your preference.
This is a course intended for students with basic knowledge of life science and/or ecology. Most examples are based on ecological processes, but students in any fields of life science are also welcome. The skills to build and analyze a dynamical model will be obtained in the first stage. The computer software to easily analyze mathematical models without programing will be provided. In the second stage, students will select a subject based on his/her own interest and will learn how to develop a model based on the subject and how to analyze the model. The objectives are to provide students know-how and tacit knowledge to develop a new dynamical model based on research interest. Opportunities to learn basic modeling blocks and how to analyze dynamical models are also provided. College of Science Main Campus Takeshi Miki 15 Wednesday 2,3,4 Ocean5084 3 Half Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en
Coral Reef Ecosystem in a Changing WorldThe rapid decline of coral reefs around the world motivates research to better understand how this complex ecosystem will respond to future environmental changes. This course will review current knowledge on reef organisms and coral reef ecosystem, and will study the factors responsible for reef degradation. The basic elements to assess resilience of this ecosystem will be introduced. The students will learn how the knowledge and skills obtained through the lectures and practice work can be used for the management and the conservation of this fragile ecosystem. College of Science Main Campus Vianney Denis 15 Tuesday 6,7,8 Ocean5097 3 Half Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en
Marine EcologyThis course offers a balanced, stimulating survey of marine ecology, introducing the key processes and systems from which the marine environment is formed, and the issues and challenges which surround its future conservation.
In general, we will meet 2 hours (Mon 13:20 – 15:10) every week, but occasionally we may watch documentary on the 3rd hours.
For the week 8 and 10, instead of meeting in the classroom, we will spend half day in Mangrove ecocenter and full day in NMMST to discuss the course materials and to explore the environment. Students are expected to develop a broad understanding on various issues of marine ecology, be able to generate an in-depth review on a selected topic and give a presentation. College of Science Chih-Lin Wei 15 Monday 6,7,8 IPCS5010 3 Half International Master/Doctoral Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Earth System Science http://www.ipcs.ntu.edu.tw/about-en.php
Ecological Modeling SeminarThis is a course intended for students with basic knowledge of ecology, statistics, differential equations, and computer programming techniques and had some experience on modeling. We will discuss the application of mathematical modeling and computer programming techniques to investigate ecological questions. We will also discuss statistical analyses for identifying ecological patterns. Students will select a subject base on his/her own interest and present the progress of the chosen topic. The class is mainly in the form of discussion. Students are required to do oral presentation on a topic of ecological modeling and participate discussion. College of Science Main Campus Takeshi Miki 25 Tuesday 7,8 Ocean7152 2 Half Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en
Marine EcologyThis course offers a balanced, stimulating survey of marine ecology, introducing the key processes and systems from which the marine environment is formed, and the issues and challenges which surround its future conservation.
In general, we will meet 2 hours (Mon 13:20 – 15:10) every week, but occasionally we may watch documentary on the 3rd hours.
For the week 8 and 10, instead of meeting in the classroom, we will spend half day in Mangrove ecocenter and full day in NMMST to discuss the course materials and to explore the environment.
Students are expected to develop a broad understanding on various issues of marine ecology, be able to generate an in-depth review on a selected topic and give a presentation. College of Science Main Campus Chih-Lin Wei 15 Monday 6,7,8 Ocean5002 3 Half Graduate Institute of Oceanography, Marine Biology & Fisheries Division,
Introductory Course of Marine Science http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en
This course is designed to improve the English ability of the students through reading and writing.
1. To enhance students’ English reading skills
2. To improve students’ Writing skills
3. To engage students in intellectual debate and critical thinking
College of Liberal Arts Main Campus *Majors-only (including minor and double major students).
*Restrict to graduate students. Guy Beauregard,Duncan Chesney 8 Monday 2,3,4 FL7201 3 Half Graduate Institute of Foreign Languages and Literatures http://www.forex.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?lang=en