Tag: Sustainability
This module covers the different dimensions of a sustainable economy, i.e. material well-being, social justice and inclusion, and ecological sustainability, from a macroeconomic perspective. Pursuing these goals may involve trade-offs which generate difficult problems for economic policy. In particular, we look at how economic growth relates to happiness, the environment, poverty, and the income distribution. We discuss the concepts of limits to growth, green growth, post growth, and de-growth and their macroeconomic and societal implications. Qualification targets: Students obtain an overview of the macroeconomic sides of the sustainability debate and learn how to analyze these topics with economic tools. The module stimulates critical thinking and trains the skills required to apply economic models. Imparted soft skills: Analytical thinking, Independent studying and learning, Literature research and documentation, Presentation of scientific results, Critical thinking Faculty of Management and Economics RUB main campus “Macroeconomics I” and “Macroeconomics II” recommended. Week1: Introduction Week2: followed by Week3 to the Final Week M. Sc. Said Benjamin Bonakdar; Prof. Dr. Michael Roos 20 5 ECTS MA a) Lecture b) Seminar Frequency: At least once every two years, normally in the summer semeter 60 % Term paper (19 pages); 40 % Presentation and discussion (30 Min) Jan Wüstenfeld: wiwi-international@ruhr-uni-bochum.de https://www.wiwi.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/studium/service.html.de