English for Oral Presentations and Academic Writing

Over the last few years, USP graduate students have increased their participation at overseas conferences or events in Dentistry. These events require students to write abstracts and give presentations in English. Besides, students need to be equipped with the language skills necessary for writing papers. Foreign students enrolled in Dentistry courses need English-medium lectures. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC WRITING The course will focus on: • Raising awareness of the main issues in English writing. • Discussing issues related to translation. • Building up vocabulary and phrases used in an academic environment. • Revising some of the most difficult points of grammar and learning more features of English grammar appropriate to an academic environment. • Providing hands-on practice for students in writing. • Improving student’s editing skills. • Getting familiar with online dictionaries and corpora. 2) ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS The course will focus on: • Building students’ oral communication skills. • Developing oral grammatical accuracy and range of structures. • Learning useful phrases in presentations. • Improving pronunciation. • Contrasting English and Portuguese phonological traits. • Giving presentations. • Analyzing participant’s presentations collaboratively. School of Dentistry (FO) São Paulo main campus 1. Lexical study 2. Study and revision of grammatical structures 3. Text writing 4. Pronunciation study 5. Oral presentation Marina Helena Cury Gallottini, Marcelo Jose Strazzeri Bonecker, Patricia Moreira de Freitas Costa e Silva 15 ODO5785 4 Presence, critical participation, oral presentation and written works. http://www.fo.usp.br/?lang=en