Writing for Scientific Publication

Many scientific papers are rejected even before they are evaluated by the reviewers. Writing quality and consistent scientific articles can help to reduce this initial rejection in high-impact journals, making the chance for successful publication more effective. Develop skills to write quality scientific reports. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF) São Paulo main campus Writing the major topics of an article. General advice on writing English and for publication. Article Edition. Practical exemples and writing. Carla Taddei de Castro Neves, Daniel Jay Hoffman 20 FBC5954 1 Article writing. http://www.fcf.usp.br/english.php

Preparing Scientific Articles in the Field of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology

Writing is part of Science. Students enrolled in the Graduate Program in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology are of different backgrounds and include pharmacists, biologists, engineers, veterinarians, among others. Nonetheless, all of them have to publish their results. This course focus on preparing original scientific articles. It highlights the importance of publication for an academic career, as well as for scientific development. Basic practices for scientific writing will be provided to stimulate students to publish their results. With this course we intend to increase the number and quality of publications of the students from the Graduate Program in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology, as well as to contribute to the preparation of dissertations and thesis. The course is intended to provide the students with tools to prepare and publish scientific articles, as well as to help with scientific observation, planning and data organizing. Additionally, we expect to promote critical reading of scientific articles and publishing of the results generated by the students during graduate course. The course will also help students in the preparation of dissertations and thesis. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF) São Paulo main campus Course will include lectures, exercises, case-studies, and practical classes to discuss the manuscripts to be elaborated by each student during the course. 1- Introduction: – Scientific information through the time and the importance of publishing; – Adequate choice of journal for publication; – Types of articles and presentation styles; – Items of each type of article (full paper, short communication and review); – Discussion about Impact Factor (I.S.I. _ Institute for Scientific Information) and journal quality based on Qualis-CAPES classification. 2- The importance of Scientific Reading. Examples of a step-by-step publication process: manuscript preparation, submission, revisions, proof-reading and final article publication. Analysis of accepted and rejected submitted manuscripts. 3- Organizing the results to be published; discussion and objective statement. Preparation of a manuscript outline. 4- Definition of the manuscript title, keywords, authors and affiliations, corresponding author. Study-case of articles published in the journal selected for manuscript submission. 5- Writing of Materials and Methods Section. Units of measurement, precise description of methods. 6- Writing of Results Section. Presentation of figures, tables, flowcharts and schemes. Appropriate Captioning. 7- Writing of Discussion Section. Highlighting the most important results. Identifying and stating the most important findings of the work. 8- Writing of Conclusion Section and the Abstract. Acknowledgements. 9- References and citations. Abbreviations. 10- Writing of an impacting Cover Letter. How to answer the reviewer�fs comments. Adalberto Pessoa Junior, Carlota de Oliveira Rangel Yangui 15 FBT5700 6 Preparation of a manuscript through the course and exercises related to the manuscript preparation. http://www.fcf.usp.br/english.php

Special Topics in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology II

Students enrolled in the Graduate Program in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology are of different backgrounds and include pharmacists, biologists, engineers, veterinarians, among others. This course will provide the students a wide view of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology by means of the participation of visiting scientists and professors from other universities of Brazil and from abroad. It will be based on two-weeks intensive courses on frontier topics that may significantly contribute to the Graduate Program internationalization process. To provide the students with broad and up-to-date themes within the fields of Fermentation Technology, Industrial Enzymology, Food Technology and Chemical-Pharmaceutical Technology by means of seminars, intensive courses, conferences and hands-on activities. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF) São Paulo main campus Seminars and intensive courses will be related to the Areas of Concentration and research lines of the Graduate Program in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology. The Areas of Concentration are: Food Technology, Fermentation Technology and Chemical-Pharmaceutical Technology. Research lines are: Production and conservation of drugs and pharmaceutical goods; Development and optimization of technologies and formulations in food processing; Fermentative and enzymatic processes for the production and application of bioproducts. Joao Carlos Monteiro de Carvalho, Adalberto Pessoa Junior FBT5776 2 http://www.fcf.usp.br/english.php

Probiotic cultures: technological applications

Besides being administered directly in the form of capsules, probiotic microorganisms are used as food supplements which, together with prebiotic ingredients, constitute the last generation functional foods, leading to beneficial effect on the intestinal microbiota. At the same time, food products such as dairy products and some non-dairy products, such as soy and/ or fruit products, are rich in certain essential health nutrients, such as proteins, calcium, and various vitamins. Technological benefits with respect to the process flow chart and the formulation of these products can also be provided by the use of probiotic cultures. Therefore, the technology used in the manufacture of cheese and other dairy products, as well as other food products involving the addition of these cultures is very promising and should be explored increasingly by the food industry. Provide students with updated concepts on the application of probiotic cultures in food products, taking into account the biological effects and consequences on the production technology and the characteristics of the final product attributed to these microorganisms. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF) São Paulo main campus 1. Introduction: pharmaceutical and food applications of probiotic cultures; Characterization of the main cultures employed; main biological effects attributed to probiotic cultures 2. Industrial application: effect of milk supplementation; use of co-cultures 3. Flow chart of industrial processes, and physico-chemical, biochemical, nutritional, and microbiological characteristics of the products obtained: use of probiotic cultures in fermented milk and yogurt technology, cheese technology, and technology of some non-dairy products, such as soy products and/ or fruit products 4. Consequences of applying probiotic cultures related to food production procedures 5. Practical activity: production of food using conventional procedures (without supplementation with probiotic cultures) x production of food with probiotic cultures 6. Seminars presented by the students and discussion of scientific papers in the area Susana Marta Isay Saad, Raquel Bedani Salvio 23 FBT5781 4 http://www.fcf.usp.br/english.php

Cancer Nutrigenomics

Cancer is one of the main causes of illness-related death in many countries, including Brazil. Despite current therapeutic advances, the prognosis of patients diagnosed with this pathologic condition is still poor. Thus, an effective method for controlling cancer is preventing its development, which can be achieved by the diet or by the intervention with nutrients and/or BFCs in subjects with high risk of cancer development. Several genes have shown altered expression during carcinogenesis and are considered targets for nutrients and/or bioactive compounds in the context of cancer prevention. The understanding of the mechanisms involved in the modulation of gene expression by nutrients and/or BFCs, is fundamental for the design of research projects that deepen the knowledge of graduate students in Food Science and related areas, and for the development of strategies for nutritional intervention in the context of cancer prevention. To empower graduate students to understand how nutrients and bioactive food compounds (BFCs) modulate the expression of genes involved in cancer’s physio-pathology. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FCF) São Paulo main campus 1) Basic “OMICS” tools for Nutrigenomics studies; 2) Molecular targets for cancer chemoprevention; 3) Functional foods and cancer prevention; 4) Modulation of the epigenetic processes by nutrients and BFCs; 5) Modulation of the expression of micro-RNAs by nutrients and BFCs; 6) Molecular aspects of the relationship between obesity, nutrition and cancer prevention Fernando Salvador Moreno, Thomas Prates Ong, Jens Uwe Marquardt 20 FBA5897 2 The discipline will have the collaboration of Dr. Renato Heidor, specialist of The Diet Nutrition and Cancer Laboratory, Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of S_o Paulo. Participation in the discussions. http://www.fcf.usp.br/english.php

Seminars in Parasitology I

The goal of Seminars in Parasitology is to encourage students to discuss work from different parts of this large field of knowledge, fostering the learning and the discussion of a broad base of current scientific issues. The opportunity of discussing and interacting with authors is highly enriching and facilitates the retention of knowledge. The possibility of directly asking the authors questions fosters the development of a critical spirit in the student. Biomedical Sciences Institute (ICB) São Paulo main campus Talks will be presented by researchers active in the many subfields of Parasitology and related disciplines. These researchers will mostly come from other departments and universities, but some might be professors, postdoctoral fellows or young researchers from our own department. The speakers list will be announced in advance, at the start of the semester. Carlos Eduardo Winter, Gerhard Wunderlich, Giuseppe Palmisano 30 BMP5735 4 * Assessment will be based on frequency of attendance; students who have missed a talk can make up their attendance record by writing a satisfactory one-page (maximum) essay about one of the talks they have not missed. Up to three absences can be nullified in this manner. https://ww2.icb.usp.br/ing/

Analytical Methods for the Determination of Licit and Illicit Drugs in Forensic Toxicology

The use of licit and illicit drugs of abuse in the Brazilian population, especially among young people, is increasing. In addition, the contribution of the effects of these drugs in cases of death from violent causes such as car accidents, homicides and suicides is significant. The presence of these drugs in biological samples, in postmortem cases, has been little investigated due to factors such as the scarce investment in technology to improve working conditions in the laboratories of public control agencies, the reduced contingent of qualified technical personnel for the development of modern analytical methodologies and the lack of interest of the government in improving the quality of services provided to the community in the area of forensic analytical toxicology and in other areas of research. Therefore, this course aims to give subsidies to professionals engaged in postgraduate programs in pharmacy, chemistry, biology, among others, to awaken to the forensic sciences which is an interesting, curious, challenging and less widespread area in our country , although very important in the present day. The aim of this course is to present to the student theoretical and practical aspects of the most modern analytical techniques used in forensic toxicology for the extraction / isolation and determination of licit and illicit drugs in forensic toxicology. Biological samples, especially in postmortem cases. To know the main drugs of medical-legal interest and the alternative samples for the investigation of cases suspected of intoxication. Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP) Ribeirão Preto campus – Introduction to forensic analytical toxicology. – Sampling, identification and storage of biological materials for toxicological analysis. – Analytical methodologies for extracting and isolating substances of interest in forensic toxicology, involving liquid-liquid extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, solid phase extraction and solid phase microextraction. – Analytical methodologies for identifying and quantifying licit and illicit drug abuse in biological samples using immunoassay, chromatography, mass spectrometry and spectrophotometry techniques. – Discussion of cases. – Interpretation of results and preparation of reports. Bruno Spinosa de Martinis 15 6045825 2 – Participation in the discussions in the classroom; – Presentation of seminars; – Participation in the discussion of cases; – Report. https://www.google.com.br/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwiBp_-p9NzYAhWHkZAKHY_oACkQFggnMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ffclrp.usp.br%2Fdown.php%3Fid%3D1430%26d&usg=AOvVaw3-C7BSHGAhorxoB-Rfx8dD

Advanced Molecular Biology

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY College of Medicine FANG-JEN LEE Wednesday 34 Friday 34 MolMed8005 4 The upper limit of the number of non-majors: 5.

Molecular Biology

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY College of Medicine FANG-JEN LEE Wednesday 34 Friday 34 MolMed7003 4 The upper limit of the number of non-majors: 5.

Virus and Cell Interaction

This course focuses on the basic molecular mechanisms employed by various viruses for virus growth and host cell invasion. Different cellular signaling and host defense pathways are also included. Organizer:Dr. Wen Chang College of Medicine SHU-CHUN TENG Saturday 34 PTMP8014 2

Molecular Biology

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY College of Medicine FANG-JEN LEE Wednesday 34 Friday 34 MolMed7003 4 The upper limit of the number of non-majors: 5.

International Environmental and Occupational (Ⅰ)

This course includes presenters of Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, and Brunei, to provide understanding of international perspectives of environmental and occupational health. For the students to understand international perspectives of environmental and occupational health, and to interact with international teachers and students DISTANCE LEARNING NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Interaction with international teachers and students final report and presentation Tuesday 67 OMIH5056 2